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the ad. and disad. for a food manufactureer to make and use conc...

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热心网友 时间:2024-03-24 23:17

Now, to freezing enrichment orange juice (FCOJ) needs, people pay more attention to all over the world.

Global consumers are also in frozen concentrate orange juice instead of the more dilution of orange juice and other fruit juice, or even replace those fitness beverages, or instead of the world other price is not expensive beverages.

In order to adapt to the preferences of fresh squeezed orange juice taste those consumers' needs, many processing factory devotes to the production of children are concentrated orange juice, referred to as concentratedorangejuice amplified (NFC). :

In Brazil, the world's largest orange juice production and export producers (i.e. Cutrale and Citrosuco two biggest orange juice company), over the years they already have a trend in the development along the this aspect of the business.

They not only produce the freezing enrichment orange juice, but also has a set of structure, such as: logistics storage, and their fruit for export products of their transport ships mechanism, etc.

France LouisDreyfus group, located in Brazil, LDCommodities branch will also invest in logistics aspects, in order to satisfy the consumers to freezing enrichment orange juice increased demand.

However, the Brazilian Citrovita orange juice Co., LTD. (it is the largest one of four orange juice, belong to the company) Brazil's largest conglomerate (i.e., a variety of business of large companies, but has not yet been announced) in the freezing enrichment orange juice that brought city investment.

Transportation expenses

The freezing enrichment orange juice contains moisture content is frozen concentrate juice, orange, six times the cost of transporting so above will be considerably higher.

Compared with America, Brazil, Florida in transport and no hand down, so the Brazilian processing, is in Florida strategy in this business in the U.S. market. Service,

In 1999, the Brazilian exports the frozen concentrate, total number of orange juice is only 8600 tons, However, the export amount of orange juice frozen concentrate, but reached 117 million tons.

But the next year (2000), Brazil exports the frozen concentrate the amount of orange juice and increased to 52,000 tonnes.

In 2007, Brazil, not frozen concentrate (NFC) of orange juice, export quantity, has more than 100 million tons; again, This is the first NFC over exports of orange juice frozen concentrate FCOJ (total export) 976000 tons.

The freezing enrichment of orange juice for 11; brix specifications: And the FCOJ brix, is 66.

In 1999-2008, Brazil exports the frozen concentrate, total number of orange juice increased 14000%, However, the freezing enrichment of orange juice, export quantity has fallen by 33%.

About the price

In 2007, frozen concentrate orange juice (fob port), the price is Santos's 15 dollars per ton, The 2008 FCOJ price per ton for $1470, Meanwhile, the frozen concentrate (NFC) of orange juice in the price of... per ton and $651 $shirts.

If the freezing enrichment orange juice (NFC) price, converted frozen concentrate orange juice (FCOJ) price, then respectively is: 3904 dollars per ton and $4,010, In short, the price is freezing enrichment orange juice FCOJ (original) of 2.5 times above.

Although, the frozen concentrate (NFC) of orange juice, transportation costs than freezing enrichment orange juice (FCOJ) of the high cost of freight, However, because of the high price NFC, still can obtain more profits.

However, frozen concentrate orange juice always has its own advantages.
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