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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-10 14:39



热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 01:39

Once again the math exam, have a math problem, to remember but there is a kind of faith has been ringing in my ears; no matter in life on the road how experienced hardships and dangers, we must bravely face it, overcome it; to win the final victory.
Yes, I must do it. I picked up the paper carefully read up, calculate, check up. Time and time again, alas! How wrong? I got discouraged, disappointed. However, in my mind there is a sound, and a livid face looked at me; in blame me, laugh at me; say their life on the road, unremittingly, never yield in spite of reverses; overcome their difficulties, realizes own ideal. You can't be a little hard to overcome. Really can not withstand setbacks. It says I must cheer up, do not experience wind and rain, how rainbow. I once again took up the hot paper carefully calculated, carefully checking up.
Ah! I finally figured it out.


热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 01:32

I believe that i can become a good english teacher, this is no doubt that it have skillful major knowledge ,as a english teacher, people who should have a good quality,third ,as a teacher,you should have do something which can make you students like you .

I agree absolutely that speaking good English is not the same as being a good teacher of English. It goes without saying that good native speakers of English are not necessarily also good teachers: in fact their command of English may make them insensitive to problems of learners. However, in your case, as a non-native speaker it is important for you to be as fluent as possible so that you feel confident in class, so you should avoid using Chinese and make sure you constantly use your English. Additionally, however, you have to master skills which are connected with language teaching. The best way to do this is to use textbooks with a dependable graded syllabus and with sound methods, which you then follow.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 01:33

I am a dreamer,no matter how hard my life has been,I always could smile.I used have a really horrible English accent,I am afraid of speak in public.To help me get rid of my fearness,my mom encourage me to attend an English speech contest.People were laughing of me,sometimes they can be so mean and pretty insulting.I was so anxious and depress.But I didnt give up,I always remember my mom siad:"Darling,it doesnt matter how others think of you.You ideas,your wishes play the greatest role here.You are the hero in your own life.Dont be so sad,I trust you." I listened my mom's advice,I practise so hard.In the last second before I come to the stage,I said to myself:It's Ok if you fail this time,you still have so many times,and,you've already do your best.you have no regret. Then I won.I was so pround of myself.Who can imagine the ugly duckling could become a white swan at the beginning?I've never give up any chance in my life.I believe I can do it,as long as I dont give up.I've never doubt about myself again.I believe I can.



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