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中文翻译英文,,谁帮我 啊?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-10 07:44



热心网友 时间:2024-02-17 22:47

Believe yourself.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-17 22:47

Fellow teachers everybody good, I must lecture today: Believes oneself. Summer vacation saw last year on the television this competition, I have very much envied the human who these attend the competition, today I also stood in this athletic field, finally realized at that time their feeling. My last summer also attended an English oratorical contest, the same station in the athletic field, I has not competed the experience, therefore extremely anxious. But has not displayed for this, but I have not given up, because the defeat is mother of the success, the previous time experience has built the foundation for my this competition, therefore I today the self-confident station in this here, attend this competition. Perhaps my English is not says well, but I believe oneself, because I thought each people all should have a self-confidence. Therefore I believed I can succeed!

热心网友 时间:2024-02-17 22:48

First I would like to say hello to all theachers here. My topic today is: self-confidence. I watched the contest on TV last summer, and I admired those people taking part in very much. Today I am also standing on this stage and finally have known how it felt for them last year. I took part in the contest last summer, but because I didnt have the experience on stage, and I felt very nervous, I failed the contest. But I didnt give up, coz I know failure is the basis for success. Thats why I am here today in this contest again. Perhaps my English is not the best, but I believe myself coz I think everybody should have self-confidence. I believe I will succeed!

热心网友 时间:2024-02-17 22:48

Believe yourself.
First I would like to say hello to all theachers here. My topic today is: self-confidence. I watched the contest on TV last summer, and I admired those people taking part in very much. Today I am also standing on this stage and finally have known how it felt for them last year. I took part in the contest last summer, but because I didnt have the experience on stage, and I felt very nervous, I failed the contest. But I didnt give up, coz I know failure is the basis for success. Thats why I am here today in this contest again. Perhaps my English is not the best, but I believe myself coz I think everybody should have self-confidence. I believe I will succeed!
回答者:sirena - 经理 四级 3-31 19:59

Fellow teachers everybody good, I must lecture today: Believes oneself. Summer vacation saw last year on the television this competition, I have very much envied the human who these attend the competition, today I also stood in this athletic field, finally realized at that time their feeling. My last summer also attended an English oratorical contest, the same station in the athletic field, I has not competed the experience, therefore extremely anxious. But has not displayed for this, but I have not given up, because the defeat is mother of the success, the previous time experience has built the foundation for my this competition, therefore I today the self-confident station in this here, attend this competition. Perhaps my English is not says well, but I believe oneself, because I thought each people all should have a self-confidence. Therefore I believed I can succeed!
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