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跪求新标准大学英语2 unit3的课文原文 《stolen identity》《by the...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-18 14:23



热心网友 时间:2024-07-23 00:56

Robert Emmons, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of California, has long been interested in the role gratitude plays in physical and emotional well-being.


Along with psychology professor Michael McCullough of the University of Miami, Emmons took three groups of volunteers and randomly assigned them to focus on one of three things each week: hassles, things for which they were grateful,and ordinary life events.

艾蒙斯和迈阿密大学的心理学教授迈克尔麦卡洛(Michael McCullough)一起,随机抽取了三组志愿者,让他们每周专注于三件事中的一件:争吵、他们感激的事情和日常生活事件。

The first group concentrated on everything that went wrong or was irritating to them, such as "the jerk who cut me off on the highway.”The second group homed in on situations they felt.


enhanced their lives, as in“My boyfriend is so kind and caring - I’ m lucky to have him.” And the third group recalled recent everyday events, as in“I went shoe shopping.”


The results: The people who focused on gratitude were just flat-out happier. They saw their lives in favorable terms.


They reported fewer negative physical symptoms such as headaches or colds, and they were active in ways that were good for them. They spent almost an hour and a half more per week exercising than those who focused on hassles. Plain and simple, those who were grateful had a higher quality of life.




由这一个复合连词引导的让步状语从句旨在说明正反两方面的可能性都不会影响主句的意向或结果,所以它的语气是比较强烈的,从而也更加坚定了主句的内容。例如:You'll have to attend the ceremony whether you're free or busy.不管你忙不忙,都要参加这个典礼。

even if 引导的从句是往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”“纵然”“就算”“哪怕”。如:They’ll stand by you even if you don’t succeed.即使你不成功,他们也会支持你。

even though 引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”“虽然”。如:He went out even though it was raining.尽管在下雨,他还是出去了。

当引导引导让步状语从句时,两者相同,可以互换(what=the thing, whatever = anyting),但当引导名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句)时则只能用whatever(whoever,whichever,whenever,etc)。

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