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用英语主持节目的一些常用语怎么说? 如恭喜你 答对了

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 07:54



热心网友 时间:2023-08-16 12:05

congratulations, you've got it right

1. let me show you
2. you wanna challenge something more difficult?
3. who knows, put your hand up!
4. interactive question time again
5. How to put the 12 Chinese animal signs into English? or how to say it in English
6. then, let some students answer my questions.

you like English? could please tell us some stories between you and English? for instance, the happiness and bitterness in the process of learning English, or some sort of english jokes!~~

热心网友 时间:2023-08-16 12:06

1 from I am to everyone demonstrate once(read aloud to round password the host say)
2 want to challenge to be once a little bit more more difficult?(Round password link)
3 which classmate know answer, please raise hand to signal hint me
3 arrived time of the interactive question and answer again
Do 412 Chinese Zodiac Signs use how English say?
5 invite a few problems that the classmates answer me back and forth below
Do you like English?Can you tell everyone with the story of English?
For example ring the period of studying English of bitter and happy, the small joke etc. made
6 Sorry, the answer isn't enough accurate(integrity)
7 The answer still been different from?(The opinion still been different from?)
8Very fascinating answer, the everyone's pplause encourages once
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