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帮忙翻译下,在线等 不要机器翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-04 04:40



热心网友 时间:2024-06-21 07:18


热心网友 时间:2024-06-21 07:19

= =

热心网友 时间:2024-06-21 07:14

Thus it can be seen, the Olympic Games reversion physical distribution management will become Austria <dnt> a </dnt> commission extremely important work. Very difficult to imagine in a global attention grand meeting from now on, we must face what will a Beijing piece in confusion be able. Must achieve Green Olympics, the reversion physical distribution supervisory work not to be possible to neglect. The green reversion physical distribution management manifests in <dnt> in the </dnt> Beijing Olympic Games, is also must in the Olympic Games period solution, because the competition and the consumption produce the reject as well as needs to recycle the goods the physical distribution question, suppresses the physical distribution while the physical distribution process to cause the harm to the environment, realizes to the physical distribution environment purification, enables the physical distribution resources to obtain the fullest use, realizes to the green physical distribution transformation. Simultaneously has also consummated Beijing Green Olympics's image.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-21 07:20

Thus it can be seen, the Olympic Games reversion physical distribution management will become a Olympic committee extremely important work.Very difficult to imagine in a global attention grand meeting from now on, we must face what will a Beijing piece in confusion be able.Must achieve Green Olympics, the reversion physical distribution supervisory work not to be possible to neglect.The green reversion physical distribution management manifests in Beijing Olympic Games, is also must in the Olympic Games period solution, because the competition and the consumption produce the reject as well as needs to recycle the goods the physical distribution question, suppresses the physical distribution while the physical distribution process to cause the harm to the environment, realizes to the physical distribution environment purification, enables the physical distribution resources to obtain the fullest use, realizes to the green physical distribution transformation.Simultaneously has also consummated Beijing Green Olympics's image.
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