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发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-02 19:52



热心网友 时间:2024-03-25 14:48

informed that Google is likely to be held Tuesday in San Francisco,Puma Sunglasses replica, Google I / O Developer Conference to announce the service. The service initially will be the test mode operation,discount Versace Sunglasses, not entirely for the public.

  if authorized access to the record companies, music service providers that can provide instant access to music stored on a central server without the need for users to upload music.

  Informed sources said that Apple is currently negotiating with major record companies regarding music licensing, and its purpose is better than Amazon's own online music service, Google is developing a music service. It is not clear that Apple will release the service, but most of the technical work has been completed in a few months ago. Apple spokesman did not comment.

  Google's upcoming music service, Amazon MP3 may be different online music store,replica Coach Sunglasses, which allows users to buy songs the way the new songs are stored in the music cabinet (locker).

  Spotify AB is the main reason for not authorized to record company executives did not believe the former is able to generate sufficient profits, the recent restrictions on the free music services listen to the number of record companies more attractive.

  informed disclosure and, like Amazon, Google has yet to be authorized by the four major record companies, their services are likely to include features similar to the remote disk system.

  > related news: Google Assembly sign away their products with the Foursquare anti-launched Google Image Search features by topic (Figure) Google headquarters in Mountain View to meet for the largest expansion of the recruitment Google I / O Developers Conference or push the Chrome OS Internet

  most of the record companies did not cloud the Amazon music service has preparedness, but since Amazon did not launch the music service to be substantially upgraded. (Xiaoming)

  SAN FRANCISCO, May 10 morning news, informed sources said on Tuesday Google was first held in the Google I / O conference to launch its online music service, the service and Amazon's music service, recently introduced model Similarly, will further aggravate the next generation of Internet music store and listen to the market competition.

  music service Spotify AB in Europe in recent months has been to get record companies authorized to launch music service in the United States, but they still failed to reach an agreement and the major record companies.

  users can use the flow pattern is expected to listen to upload their own music, but not to download, Google move may be to prevent users from using their services spread of pirated music.

  Google spokesman did not to comment on the report.

  use Google's service system is the industry's well-known passive storage (passive locker), the industry is generally believed that the system can not record the music licensing company, but the function of the system is very limited. Amazon's cloud services are regarded as the industry has taken a lot of people new music service to try first, but they still need to obtain certain licenses.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-25 14:54

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