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发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-03 06:28



热心网友 时间:2024-02-25 02:21


My favorite red-letter day is Spring Festival, which boasts a long history. It falls on the spring of each year. When approaching, it is busy everywhere. People would write couplets, set off firecrackers and get together eating mplings(jiaozi) as well as visit to each other with presents and greeting cards. On the street Chinese dances can be seen and children will get lots of candies and "hong bao" with new-year money inside!

热心网友 时间:2024-02-25 02:22

I most like the holiday is the Spring Festival. It is the historicalglorious holiday. It in every year spring. Whenever the SpringFestival, all very is everywhere lively. The people can write thespring festival couplet, set off the firecrackers, the family membergather in the same place eat the stuffed mpling. The people also canmutually visit, mutually the gift and the card. You also can see onthe street China dances. China's children can obtain many sugars andthe new year's money.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-25 02:22

My favorite holiday is the Chinese New Year. It is a historic day. It's in annual spring. In every spring festival, It is very lively everywhere. People will write couplets, set off firecrackers, The families gather together to eat mplings. People will visit each other, presente gifts and cards. In the streets you can see Chinese dance.And the children can get many sugars and the New Year's money.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-25 02:23

My most favourite holiday was in spring, it was called the Chinese New Year. This holiday was been a long history of being in our Chinese culture. Whenever the Chinese New Year had comes, the excitement was filled over all the places. Everyone would usually write some New Year scrolls, have some firework and eat some Chinese ravioli with their relative. And they would visit their friends, co-workers to give them present and cards with blessing speach.
And also in the street, you can even saw some dancer dancing the traditional Chinese Dance. For our Chinese kids, they could recieve many lucky candy and lucky money from the alt ring the visit.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-25 02:23

My favourite festival is Spring Festival.
This is a traditional festival which has a long history.It starts in every spring.There is full of liveliness everywhere when it approaching. People will write spring festival couplets,play fireworks,and eat mpling together with his their families.And people always visit each other and exchange their warm gifts and greeting cards.
You may see traditional Chinese dancing in the street. Children will be given some candy and gift money.
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