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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-21 19:43



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 09:36

1 what do she like and dislike about her job?
2 why didi she decide to be a dentist,and what did she have tu do to get the job?
3 qwertyuiopppppppppppplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm,,mnbvcxzzsfghjytrewetkjhcvbnwhat do she have tu do in her job?
我梦想的工作 My dream job-英语作文带翻译

My dream job is to be a dentist.I want to be a dentist because the dentist can cure the patient's teeth, so that the patient can rest assured that the use of teeth to eat.I don't like this, the last tooth is pulled out, the other side of the tooth is empty, can ...


我的梦想是当一名医生 我是一个平凡的人,我有一个平凡的梦想:做一名医生。因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦。可以让人变得健康。同时,我认为,帮助了别人,自己也将会得到快乐。所以,我希望未来我可以做一个医生


Today, my father suddenly found that there was still some root left on the die tooth I lost. Then he said with certainty, "this tooth root can't be pulled out. It must be pulled out!" my father's words made me uneasy.At this time, my mother came back and my father t...

高中英语作文:保护牙齿Taking Care of your Teeth

My mother always tells me not to eat too much candy, but I just couldn’t control myself. Once, I felt my teeth hurt and did not feel like eating. My mother took me to see the dentist and I was so afraid. The doctor used his machine to fix my teeth, I was terrified...


The day before yesterday,I felt my teeth hurting badly.My mother took me to see the dentist.Th dentist told me that I was so edacious that I was eating too much sugar.And I was having two decaying teeth.When I was lying in the bed,the nurse began to give injection to...


翻译:我的习惯 嗨!大家好。我叫XXX。我今年XX岁了。生活中我有许多的好习惯,当然也有许多的坏习惯。我每天起得很早,因为我不想上学迟到。吃早饭时,我喜欢喝牛奶,吃面包。我认为它是美味的。上课时,我从不和别人说话,因为我想听老师讲课。午饭时,我总是吃水果和蔬菜,它对我们的健康有好处。


Ji five U.S. dollars, the doctor shook his head and said: "The cost of 20 U.S. dollars" Tom confused mother that "the operation prior to 5 U.S. dollars for ah?" "Who let the shouting your son ah, my other four patients are scare you, "said the doctor angrily.


as well as to take care of the teeth of people around me.In another 10 years, I hope that I can have my own dental clinic with a lot of regular customers. I would like to be a professional dentist that could guarantee my customers to have a healthy teeth. Moreover, I w...

牙齿健康的英语作文 80个单词左右 初二水平

Clean and healthy teeth look great and feel good. They help you to have the confidence to get really close to people. To keep teeth healthy, it's important to choose the right drinks and foods, to brush your teeth twice every day and to visit the dentist regularly throughout ...


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, ready to thank my dentist XXX, he is kind, helpful. One day accidentally broke his coffee pot, feel very sorry,

关于医生的英语作文带翻译 英语作文200字带翻译 英语作文400字带翻译 60字英语作文带翻译 50字英语作文带翻译 关于看牙医的英语作文 关于自己想当牙医的英文作文 去看牙医的英语作文 预约牙医的英语作文
三七可以直接泡水喝吗 做汤面底料的调料有哪些? 柳子指的是什么意思? 中国式相亲里郅欧介绍男友的 什么二次元三次元那一句话是啥 抖音上的礼物都是什么价格啊? 抖音上怎么送花给别人 抖音上送花是什么意思? 全麦粉种类 16点从东莞出发的客运班车到黄梅要多久? 请问有没有一张从黄梅到深圳,或者东莞的火车票 关于感恩节的英语作文。大概内容是:明天是感恩节,准备去感谢我...36 湿度值越大是不是代表空气含水越多呢 时光里的微感动 2015年河南中考 48分作文2 两个手机号码怎么注册第二个? 你用了藏秘虫草双参?效果怎么样呀!求回答1 我和售楼部签了购房合同,但是没签网签,但是房管局已经备案,我想更名... 2015河南中考语文半命题作文 ——里的微感动, 我补充的是...3 一年内怎么改第二次 一年改2次的办法 藏秘虫草双参胶囊是什么颜色的一盒几颗真的有效果吗? 怎么免费申请一个?74 月经期间可以喝枸杞红茶吗?4 煤矿工人安全保证书怎么写47 煤矿安全保证书158 修改器20 我想问一下2017年廉租房补贴为什么没有按时发放,往年都是按...4 已经申请到廉租房 以后还能买房子吗?买了房子,还是商品房什么...48 精神分裂症患者能继续上学吗3 《海底两万里》的海底美景段落急~~~43 一个长大当牙医的英语作文7 求一篇看牙医英文作文16 六年级看牙医的英语作文30个词以上48 企业职工因工死亡单位应该赔偿哪些?53 QQ炫舞升到10级最快有几个小时?1? 免费申请一个549 华为哪款手机性价比高实惠? 海底两万里,,每章100概括105 jack看牙医英语作文 海底两万里每章感悟56 得了精神分裂症之后去上学会不会犯病35 工伤死亡公司承担什么责任?35 得了精神分裂症考上大学还可以上学吗47 ...还没有判,现在给他写信他可以收到吗?他可以回信吗? 合肥乐佳铝业有限公司怎么样? 强制修改器网站24 忽然显示使用了微信修改器并封号是怎么回事? 强制修改器苹果版80 建筑工程测量的标高是前视减后视还是后视减前视94 为何学霸大多数都有畸形的心理 成都周围四小时能到的城市有那些?1