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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 15:33



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 16:34

In globlization, as a new commerce model, Electronic Commerce develops great effect on social economic activities. However, considering it is digitized, virtualized and hiding, Electronic Commerce has brought new problems to tax systems and policies in our country and some tax system and policies could not adapt that. Based on this circumstance, this paper inllustrates the definition of Electronic Commerce, analyzes the effect tax from Electronic Commerce, and puts forwafrd the aimed solutions.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 16:34

Today, economic globalization, e-commerce as a new business model, on the socio-economic activities have had a profound impact. However, the rapid development of e-commerce at the same time, because of its digitization, virtualization, such as hidden features, to our tax system and tax policy has created many new problems. Many tax policy and tax system has been difficult to apply. Based on this, this paper set out the meaning of e-commerce, followed by analysis of the revenue implications of e-commerce, and to make a targeted response.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 16:35

Nowdays under the circumstance of economic globalization,electrical bunisess ,serves as the novel model of business ,influences profoundly to social economy.Today e-business is rapidly developing while it bring many problems to tax system of nation for its characters such as digitization virtualization disguise and so on.Many policies and systems ,ralated to the taxation,are difficult to application.Hence this paper expound the real mean of the e-business,then analysis the effect to taxation ,and conct a method how to deal with problems of being effected to taxation by e-business.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 16:35

as a up-to-date business model, e-commerce has comprehensively influenced our society activities at such globalized economy environment nowadays. while its rapidly developing, however, e-commerce rises up quite a few new issues of our tariff regulation/policy e to its back-stage-hiden features like digitalization and virtualization that have made the regulation/policy adapted hardly.. based upon this point, this article starts with the definition of e-commerce and gives analysis of its influence to tariff regulation and the relative countermeasures against it..
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