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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-10 13:19



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 05:51

内 容 摘 要
The service charge of property management is not only the power that guarantees the normal operation of property management activities, but also the important issue that is involved in the personal interest of proprietors and property users; therefore it draws great attention from the proprietors, property users and property management enterprises.
Currently, it is hard to collect the service charge of property management, and thus more and more disputes are arising from this issue. Mainly, most proprietors or property users argue that the service charges are unreasonable and the service quality is unqualified, while the management companies believe that the proprietors or property users do not pay the service charges on time and do not abide by the agreement of property management.
Therefore, how to deal with the tricky issue of collecting the service charges of property management has become the critical problem that is confronting the property management enterprises.
[关键词] 动力 利益 纠纷 公约 收费难
[Key words] Power Interest Dispute Agreement Charge collection difficulty

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 05:52

Property management service fees not only guarantee the daily operation of property management activities,but also relate to important interests of property owners and occupiers, so it is a major concern for the owners,the occupiers and the property management companies.However the currently situation is that the property management fees are difficult to collect and disputes between owners or occupiers and property management companies are increasing,which mostly focus on unreasonable service fees and poor quality of services regarding to the the owners or occupiers,and owners or occupiers' fail to pay the property fees on time which break the property management agreement according to property management companies.Therefore, the difficulty to collect property management fees is an major challenge that property management companies have to face.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 05:52

Property management fees are not only the force which ensures the normal operation of property management activities , but also an event which involve the vital interests of the owners and the occupiers. It has thus being the receiver of attention from owners, occupiers and property management companies. Currently, property management fees are difficult to collect, and cause increasing dispute; the main focus being the owner or occupier regarding the related service charges as unreasonable, the quality of service poor. Property management companies believe however that owners and occupiers fail to pay their fees on time and property treaty. Therefore, how to resolve the difficulties in collecting property management fees becomes an important problem property management companies have to face. [Key words] force, interest, dispute, treaty, difficult to collect

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 05:53

Property management services property management is to ensure the normal operation of the power activities, also relates to the owners, who use the property to the important matter of personal interest, so much the owners, who use the property and property management enterprises concerned. The current difficult property management fee collection, of increasing number of disputes, focus is on the owner or user thinks about service project is unreasonable, service quality, property management companies that the owners or occupiers do not pay property costs, does not comply with the property convention. Therefore, how to solve the problem of property management fees property management enterprises to become the important problem.
keys:Power Interest Dispute Convention difficult to collect fees

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 05:54

Content Abstract
Property management services fee is property management activities to ensure the normal operation of power, but also involving the owners, the property using the vital interests of the big man, so much the owners, the property use and property management business concerns. The property management fee is difficult, increasing the dispute, the focus is mostly concentrated in the owner or user of the service fee that is unreasonable, substandard quality of service, property management companies that the owner or user failure to pay property charges, non-compliance with the Convention on the property . Therefore, how to solve the difficult property management fees of property management has become an important problem facing enterprises.
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