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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 13:37



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 07:25

A reference to Egypt, it was first thought of the pyramid is because the pyramid is too old and too mysterious. Well, this mystery it aroused the curiosity of people. First one of the biggest problems is that the ancient Egyptian pyramid, it is people's creativity, or an alien left the scene. Another who is not this large building, spend such a long time, built in the west bank of the Nile. It uses what is? Then in the distant past, people used to build it up? Now we all know that it is the ancient pyramids of Egypt's Pharaonic tomb, but said Egypt is not the first Pharaonic, He was a pyramid, only the fourth dynasty, The first Pharaonic Shinuofulu he built a good several pyramid Up, it is his son Wolf is the construction of the world's largest one pyramid. People talked about a pyramid, the first thing I am afraid of is called Wolf pyramid largest pyramid. Well, in addition to the pyramid, Egypt also exist in several 80 pyramids, the Nile in all of the West Bank, Why not the east coast, because the ancient Egyptians will be able to see the sun each day from the east rise up and came down the west side. So every day the sun rises from the east, as well as the life of this world, so to the west and down, The community life has ended, is entering another phase of life, and then cycle back again. So they think that is born in the East, the West is to enter another world, Their grave is precisely the junction of two world population, the world has entered another world. and then from the re-emergence of the East again, so he put all the pyramids were built in the river to the West Bank,

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