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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 14:28



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 11:41

planet closest to the Sun, revolving around it at an average distance of 58 million kilometres.

Mercury's orbit is inside the orbit of the Earth, and this creates two important astronomical effects. First, Mercury is never more than 27°45′ of angle away from the Sun and is thus seenas a “morning” star just before sunrise or an “evening” star just after sunset. Second, Mercury exhibits phases much like the Moon: when it lies nearly between the Earth and the Sun (inferior conjunction), it appears as a thin crescent; when it is at its greatest separation (or elongation) from the Sun, the apparent disk is half-illuminated; and when it is on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth (superior conjunction), its fully illuminated surface is visible. Since these changes in phase occur because of the motion of Mercury in its orbit, its apparent size also varies with the phase. It is largest at inferior conjunction (about 10〃 of arc, or 1/180 the apparent size of the Moon) and smallest at superior conjunction (about 4 1/2〃 of arc, or 1/380 the apparent size of the Moon).

Mercury, designated ☿ in astronomy, was known to be a planet in Sumerian times, some 5,000 years ago. In classical Greece it was called Apollo when it appeared as a morning star and Hermes, for the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Mercury, when it appeared as an evening star. Hermes was the swift messenger of the gods, and the planet's name is thus a reference to its rapid motions relative to the other objects in the sky.

second planet from the Sun and the planet whose orbit is closest to that of the Earth.

When visible, Venus, designated ♀ in astronomy, is the brightest planet in the sky. Viewed through a telescope, it presents a brilliant, yellow-white, essentially featureless face to the observer. The obscured appearance results because the surface of the planet is hidden from sight by a continuous and permanent cover of clouds. Features in the clouds are difficult to discern and become evident only when the planet is viewed in ultraviolet light. When observed at ultraviolet wavelengths, the clouds of Venus exhibit distinctive dark markings, with complex swirling patterns near the equator and global-scale bright and dark bands that are V-shaped and open to the west.

Venus has a mean distance from the Sun of 108 million km. Its distance from the Earth varies from a minimum of about 42 million km to a maximumof about 257 million km.

designated ♁ in astronomy, third planet outward from the Sun. Its singlemost outstanding feature is that its near-surface environments are the only places in the universe known to harbour life.

Scientists have applied the full battery of modern instrumentation to studying the Earth in ways that have not yet been possible for the other planets; thus, much more is known about its structure and composition. It is convenient to consider separate parts of the planet in terms of roughly spherical regions extending from the interior outward: the core and mantle, the lithosphere (the rocky, near-surface crust of land), the hydrosphere (dominantly the oceans, which fill in low places in the crust), the atmosphere (itself divided into spherical zones such as the troposphere, where weather occurs), and the magnetosphere (which includes the interface with the upper atmospheric ionosphere, the radiation belts, and the bow shock). These parts of the planet are treated briefly, in turn, in this article, while they are treated in detail elsewhere.

The interior, surface, and physical and chemical properties of the planet are discussed in detail in the article Earth. The geologic and biological history of the Earth, including its surface features and the processes by which they are created and modified, are discussed in geochronology, continental landform, and plate tectonics. The behaviour of the atmosphere and of its tenuous, ionized outer reaches is treated in atmosphere, while the water cycle and major hydrologic features are described in hydrosphere, ocean, and river. The present discussion complements these more detailed articles by providing an overview of the Earth, chiefly in comparison with the other planets in the solar system.

Since the Copernican revolution of the 16th century, at which time the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proposed a Sun-centred model of the universe, enlightened thinkers have regarded the Earth as a planet like the others of the solar system. Concurrent sea voyages provided practical proof that the Earth is a globe, just as Galileo's use of his newly invented telescope in the early 17th century soon showed various other planets to be globes as well. It was only after the dawn of the space age, however, when photographs from rockets and orbiting spacecraft first captured the dramatic curvature of the Earth's horizon that the conception of the Earth as a roughly spherical planet rather than as a flat entity was verified by direct human observation.

Humans for the first time saw the Earth as a complete globe in December 1968 when Apollo 8 carried astronauts around the Moon. In December 1990the Galileo spacecraft, outfitted with an array of remote-sensing instruments, studied the Earth ring the first of its two gravity-assisted flybys en route to the planet Jupiter. The information about the Earth gathered from Galileo was meagre compared with that obtained by the swarm of artificial satellites that have orbited the globe throughout the space age, but it provided some unique portraits of the Earth as a planet. (See Figure 1.)

Viewed from another planet, the Earth would appear bright and bluish in colour. Most readily apparent would be its atmospheric features, chiefly the swirling white cloud patterns of mid-latitude and tropical storms, ranged in roughly latitudinal belts around the planet. The polar regions also would appear a brilliant white owing to the clouds above and the snow and ice below. Beneath the changing patterns of clouds are the much darker, blue-black oceans, interrupted by occasional tawny patches of desert lands. The green landscapes that harbour most human life would notbe easily seen from space; not only do they constitute a modest fraction of the land area, which itself is a small fraction of the Earth's surface, but they are often obscured by clouds. Over the course of the seasons, some seasonal changes in the storm patterns and cloud belts on Earth would be observed. Also prominent would be the growth and recession of the wintersnowcap across land areas of the Northern Hemisphere.


fourth planet in order of distance from the Sun and seventh in order of diminishing size and mass. It orbits the Sun once in 687 Earth days and spins on itsaxis once every 24 hours and 37 minutes. For additional related data, see the Table.

Owing to its blood-red colour, Mars, designated ♂ in astronomy, has often been associated with gods of war. It is named for the Roman god of war; as far backas 3,000 years ago, Babylonian astronomer-astrologers called the planet Nergal for their god of death and pestilence. The Greeks called it Ares for their god of battle; the planet's two satellites, Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror), were named for two of the sons of Ares and Aphrodite.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 11:42

A nonluminous celestial body larger than an asteroid or a comet, illuminated by light from a star, such as the sun, around which it revolves. In the solar system there are nine known planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
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