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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 21:19



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 23:39

这个智谋故事见于《三国演义》第四十六回“用奇谋孔明借箭 献密计黄盖受刑”。








热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 23:40


Zhou Yu says鲁肃from the language of trails to explore in Kongming boat. Kongming boat access to the ride. Stephen said:

"Measures over the past few days to do military affairs, being taught to listen." Kong Ming said: "is not with the captaincy general Xi-liang." Su said:

"Mr Ho?" Kongming said: "Mr.公瑾come to visit so bright I do not know know that this matter can congratulate our ears."

Q諕a pale鲁肃said: "Mr Ho from know?" Kongming said: "The dollars have to get蒋干. Cao Cao,

Although time was hidden from, the inevitable will省悟, but refuses to admit its faults ears. This Cai, Zhang Two dead, Sapins jiangdong say,

How not to Hershey! Cao Jie吾闻molt in water cut military captaincy general, then the two hands, at any rate to give a water-jun

Lives. "After listening to鲁肃, shall not be open to some verbal prevarication has for a long while, do not return Kongming. Kongming told said:

"子敬looking statement in light公瑾not before the matter of the Prophet.公瑾may harbor jealousy, but also suffered light look for trouble."鲁肃

Swear off, to see Zhou Yu, the only thing is the above said. Turn-yu said: "This man can not stay! I must

Intended to cut it! "Su said, advised:" If the killing Kongming, Cao Cao was also laughter. "Yu said:" There are a fair cut of吾自,

Teach him to die without resentment. "Mr Stephen said:" How fair is off? "Yu said:" Hugh asked子敬, Japan will see. "

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 23:40

The week yu say words, lu su brought out in the boat in size to the bore. The boat access relocation. Adjudicates yue:
"Listen, CuoBan round-the-clock military". The bore yue: "is not HeXi command and light also." Adjudicates yue:
"HeXi?" The bore GongJin yue: "Mr Make known to agent, also don't know is on this matter. HeXi can."
諕 to lu su blank ask Mr Yue: "how?" the known by The bore yue: "this article plans to make JiangGan cao,.
Although been deceive, inevitable then warned, but refused to admit it. Today, both neither CAI, do not have, jiangdong
How does not HeXi! We smell MaoJie, cao in fear, for the two saw our hands, somehow gave very
Life. "Listen, speak not lu su, put some words exactly, don't put a long time. The bore instruct yue:
"Do not worship before in GongJin ready-mix said. GongJin fear on the prophet, and say to heart envy against the light." Lu su
Shredded, toodles week yu, the truth that only. Yu frightened yue: "who can never leave! We definitely
Chop the meaning! "Adjudicates advised yue:" if the CaoCaoXiao, but also. "Yu yue:" our own fair chop,
Teach him to death without complaining. "Adjudicates yue:" why the reasonable cut? "Yu yue:" son, future will worship Sue asked. "

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 23:41

Actually said that the lawksawk got Zhou Yu to say a word, the diameter came in the boat to search Kong Ming. Kong Ming turns on the small boat to sit facing each other. Austere said: “day after day prepares to deal with the military affairs, has loses listens to teach.”Kong Ming said: “is bright has also not congratulated with the commanding officer.”Austere said: “what happy?”Kong Ming said: “the male beautiful jade causes gentleman to search the bright knowledge not to know that is this matter may congratulate the ear.” 諕 the lawksawk change colors ask said: “Mr. He You it?”Kong Ming said: “this idea only fond of playing jokes Jiang Gan. Although Cao Cao, has hidden the truth from for a while, inevitably then realized, is not only willing to admit mistakes the ear. Now Cai, two person already dies, east of the lower reaches of the Changjiang river does not have the trouble, how doesn't congratulate! I heard that Cao Cao trades Mao 玠, Yu Jinwei naval units commanding officer, then in these two hands, the good and evil has delivered naval units the life.”The lawksawk has listened, opens the mouth not to, has hemmed and hawed the half of the day, other Kong Ming returns. Kong Ming enjoins saying: “looks at the child to respect do not say bright prophet this matter in front of the male beautiful jade. Fears the male beautiful jade intention envy, must seek a quarrel harms brightly.”Lawksawk acknowledges goes, to return sees Zhou Yu, have to spoke the truth the above mentioned item matter. The fine jade said in great surprise: “this person may remain in no way! I decide the Italy to cut it!”Austere urges saying:“if kills Kong Ming, actually smiles by Cao Cao.”The fine jade said: “I innate cut it just, teaches him to die with no regrets.”Austere said: “how to cut it just?”The fine jade said: “the sub-respect did not ask that comes the date then to see.”
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