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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 23:04



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 22:36

This is one of the four major Kings of Hong Kong has benefited from Asia, Andy lau, shooting star investment plan supports budding filmmakers project guide is rare, small investment gains great works. As a general audience, such as wang said, we watch movies for ecation, but not by for entertainment. For us, the film only two: good, and not good-looking. The more detailed or points: funny, and funny. Perhaps this film cannot be like "farewell my concubine" and "alive" as the classic, but it looks, let I laugh a lot. For film, no more than the audience after coming out of the cinema said "this nice movie" high praise.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 22:37

大概就是这些:This is one of the four major Kings of Hong Kong has benefited from Asia, Andy lau, shooting star investment plan supports budding filmmakers project guide is rare, small investment gains great works. As a general audience, such as wang said, we watch movies for ecation, but not by for entertainment. For us, the film only two: good, and not good-looking. The more detailed or points: funny, and funny. Perhaps this film cannot be like "farewell my concubine" and "alive" as the classic, but it looks, let I laugh a lot. For film, no more than the audience after coming out of the cinema said "this nice movie" high praise.
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