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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 17:23



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 08:34




UFO phenomenon is the most exciting in this century, the richest events of far-reaching significance. UFO phenomenon that seemed unnatural events, most likely a prelude to the revolution of modern physics, because the history of important discoveries in physics are often started from the observation of the sky, and the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial intelligence may also be relevant.
It shows all kinds of modern science and technology beyond the level of functionality, is undoubtedly the human wisdom and the great challenge of today's science and technology. If the UFO is really a ride with aliens, aliens really come into contact with the Earth, it will be the full impact of civilization on Earth; picture of the universe, science systems, ways of thinking, as well as ethics and moral philosophy, creating a huge role in promoting the . Therefore, the study of UFO very likely lead to a new leap forward in human civilization.
But at present, UFO research has been hovering at a low level, this not only because of UFO related information and data is scarce, more importantly, because of the existence of UFO a few misconceptions. One of the most typical concept is "UFO = UFO = alien," which may cause UFO research from going astray, history often striking similarities.
Newton In order to explain the reasons for the movement, the creation of a "first drive" theory at the expense will be the second for most of the energy spent in the profound mystery of theology. The UFO research today face the same situation: the magic of the UFO phenomenon, simply pushed to aliens who. That elusive aliens than God's assumptions, this will bring the UFO research tend to be superficial and even a mysterious empty so that it can not be a true science, can not serve as a strictly scientific and posted something presentable and acceptable, which has a UFO and its research disproportionate to the far-reaching significance. Therefore, it is necessary from a philosophical heights on the UFO and its depth of research,
UFO and its research with a view to establishing a correct understanding, and then find out the right research direction.
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