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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 20:09



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 13:34

The Italian vegetable has “mother's flavor”, but “mother's flavor is the world best delicacies”.The Italian majority mother can the Italian surface and the m.s.g which rolls in Sunday executor, and waits when the winter uses. The Italian vegetable the reason that has “mother's flavor”, is the chicken, the capture game which because by oneself garden the Italian vegetable is which plants the green vegetables, raises, in addition mother's love, boils the world good food which boils. Each Italian small town all has manufacture ice cream, the fruit jelly and creates ice Gurney it the popsicle ice cream shop (grlateria).Each square all has 12 bars, may drink the thick coffee in this which stamps out immediately, is installing with the very small cup, also thick also is fragrant.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 13:35

Italian meal all seem to be "mamma's meal", and "mamma's meal is the best meal of the world". Most of the italian mom would make pasta and sauces by hand on sunday, for the use in winter.
The reason that italian meal gives people the impression of "mamma's meal" , is because italian meals are mostly made of vegetable that are planted in people's garden, chickens that had been raised by people themselves, and the animal meat that got hunted by themselves, plus the "love of mother", the meal that's been cooked out can be called the heaven meal.
Every single italian town have a "grlateria" which make ice-cream, and pudding . Every plaza have one or more bar, and there you can have coffee filled in a small cup, dense and delicious.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 13:35

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