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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 20:17



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 14:27

2nd, understanding text: Asks the student to open the book on the one hand map-read on the other hand to listen to the sound recording, and ponders the following two questions: Is Sam ill? Why is Sam sad? Like this through proposed that the question, the arrangement ty activity, encourages to study the vivid brain to think, to open the mouth saying that trained the student to the text analysis and the understanding. Listening finished, the teacher led the group in collective reading aloud the text, and requested translator in the text the heavy difficult sentence, based on the student answered the question, if the student could answer these questions correctly, explained that they well had already understood the text content. 3, drill text: After the student understands and has grasped the text content, the teacher once more broadcasts the sound recording, after each words stops, asks the student with to read, and reminds the student to pay attention to the imitation sound recording the pronunciation, the intonation. Afterward please accept the ability strong student to lead the group in collective reading aloud, drills repeatedly, then the indivial practice, and encourages the English quality prominent student to recite the full text. Finally asks the student segregate color to read aloud the text content, the teacher may tour the instruction, makes the suitable guidance to the weak group. The teacher appraises to student's performance. 4, applies flexibly the text: This link's goal is lets the student realize this class function sentence pattern profoundly the application. The teacher shows a form: Names Illness Yes/No Father headache Yes Mother cough No Li Jie cold No utilizes this class the function sentence pattern to carry on the question and answer, the teacher may make the demonstration first for the student, between then the request shares a table carries on the question-and-answer drill, and indivial inspection enhancement. Is helpful in trains student's divergent thought that transforms the classroom language as the life language. the three, consolidated approvals, arrangement work this is carries on the information feedback a link. Both has inspected this class knowledge spot consolidated, and has trained student's hearing. In this link, the teacher organizes the student to listen to the sound recording to be the student to move with the book in the hearing practice, then carries on the judgment to student's answer, praises regarding the absolutely correct student with encourages, to raise student's sense of achievement.
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