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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 20:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 17:23


Plc Introction Programmable controller is the first in the late 1960s in the United States, then called Plc programmable logic controller (ProgrammableLogicController) is used to replace relays. For the implementation of the logical judgement, timing, sequence number, and other control functions. The concept is presented Plc General Motors Corporation. Plc and the basic design is the computer functional improvements, flexible, generic and other advantages and relay control system simple and easy to operate, such as the advantages of cheap prices combined controller hardware is standard and overall. According to the practical application of target software in order to control the content of the user proceres memory controller, the controller and connecting the accused convenient target. In the mid-1970s, the Plc has been widely used as a central processing unit microprocessor, import export mole and the external circuits are used, large-scale integrated circuits even when the Plc is no longer the only logical (IC) judgement functions also have data processing, PID conditioning and data communications functions. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards promulgated programmable controller for programmable controller draft made the following definition : programmable controller is a digital electronic computers operating system, specifically for applications in the instrial design environment. It used programmable memory, used to implement logic in their internal storage operations, sequence control, timing, counting and arithmetic operations, such as operating instructions, and through digital and analog input and output, the control of various types of machinery or proction processes. Programmable controller and related peripherals, and instrial control systems easily linked to form a whole, to expand its functional design. Programmable controller for the user, is a non-contact equipment, the proceres can be changed to change proction processes. The programmable controller has become a powerful tool for factory automation, widely popular replication. Programmable controller is user-oriented instries dedicated control computer, with many distinctive features. First, high reliability, anti-interference capability; Second programming visual, simple; Third, adaptability good; ④ functional improvements, strong functional interface.
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