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we think are of

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 18:55



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 03:38

think of.意思是考虑,认为.
在这个句子里,think of后面应该是“The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship”,而which正好是这句话的替代品,所以of应该提前.
we think are of

think of.意思是考虑,认为.在这个句子里,think of后面应该是“The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship”,而which正好是这句话的替代品,所以of应该提前.

The astronaut did many experiments in the spacesh

〔选择〕B. which we think are of 〔解析〕~如果选择 A. we think 是插入语,关系代词 which 和 it 都指代 spaceship,而且都是主语,不仅语义重复,句子成分也重复。~选择 B 则不然,we think 依然是插入语,但which 指代 experiences,意思是 “我们认为这些经验对认识宇宙是有很大帮助的”


The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship,___ much help for knowing spaceA which we think is B I think which is of C of which we think is D which we think are of 答案应该是D which we think are of we think是插入语 可去掉 ,选项B I think which...


这句话的意思是宇航员在太空中做了很多试验,这些试验对我们了解太空帮助很大 该句为定语从句,which指代前面的many experiments, we think是which的后置定语,真正的谓语部分是are of ,be of help to 是对...有帮助的意思 希望我的回答能帮助到你O(∩_∩)O哈!有不懂的继续问我噢~

think和think of的用法区别在哪里?

I will think about the plan, and see if it is feasible (我会考虑这个计划,看看可不可行)。2. 表达为「记起」、「有意(做某事)」和「想像」,则用think of,例如:(1) I just can't think of her name (我就是记不起她的名字)。(2) We are thinking of selling our ...

what is culture这篇文章翻译


think of的用法

有…想法, 有…看法 She couldn't think of such a thing.她简直不能想象这样的事。We are thinking of going to Spain for our holiday this year.我们今年打算到西班牙度假。They all thought of her as a nice girl.他们都认为她是一个好女孩。对…有意见 He was highly thought of by ...

think of和think about的区别

I will think about the plan, and see if it is feasible (我会考虑这个计划,看看可不可行)。2. 表达为「记起」、「有意(做某事)」和「想像」,则用think of,例如:(1) I just can't think of her name (我就是记不起她的名字)。(2) We are thinking of selling our ...

think of 的用法

首先,当用于询问对方的记忆或思绪时,如"You're very quiet; what are you thinking of?",它表达了对他人心态的好奇。其次,这个词还能表达出想象或推测,如"She couldn't think of such a thing",表示某人无法想象某个情景。此外,它也用于规划或决定,如"We are thinking of going to Spain...

think和think of的区别

接下来让我们看下think和think of的用法区别: 1.含义:think指的是思考或认为某事物,而think of则指的是考虑到或想起某人或某事物。 例子: - I think this problem is difficult. (我认为这个问题很困难。) - I think of the good times we spent together. (我想起了我们一起度过的美好时光。) 2.动词性...

we are afraid take a view of i think youare what you think we are lack of l think you are think want out of these we are out
g7346次列车途经站点,鹤壁北站旅游路线 这就是江湖昆仑天池在哪里-这就是江湖昆仑天池位置 这就是江湖天池钓鱼怎么弄-天池钓鱼玩法技巧分享 最好的姐妹不再信任自已了,还需要挽留吗? 孩子现在读四年级下册,英语零基础26个字母都不认识,一个半月能补上吗... 车子半年不开有没有问题呀 车半年不开没事吧 两江新区两化融合贯标需要什么条件? 竹字头加生念什么 长汀县经济发展 美国的联想y700为什么不能下中国的游戏呢?主要是下载了qq飞车不能安装... We think it better ___ early. we think to ourselves 是什么意思?好心银帮忙解答下,谢谢! we think that this is very heathy for us We think football is very 什么? we think we were we think we should do something. We think we should do whatever we can to help our school.该句中whatever可以换成everything吗? we think,therefore we are中国是什么意思 we think什么necessary to help the old we think it necessary to do sth 有没有错,我觉得是不是在it 后面 We think Globally.这句话啥意思? 麻烦分析下这个句子 We think it our duty to study well. we think about what we might learn 语法解释 we think that is necessary还是we think that it is necessary 完成句子:we think ( )(是必要的) to master English.(must) i think.we think we think 英语谓语问题 we think is 还是we think are w1芯片的耳机怎么链接windows电脑 拍拍贷分期商城有额度可以提现不 We think it important to learn English well. it后为什么不加is 微信怎么转载说说图片 梦到好多蜂窝在自己家外墙壁上 梦见我家墙上飞来了一窝小蜜蜂 梦见床右边墙上有很个蜂窝? 梦见窗户上有蜜蜂窝是什么意思? 梦见以前房子墙上有蜂窝被我搞坏了 梦见家里都里蜜蜂墙上还有花? 梦见屋里有蜂窝还看见一只马蜂在屋里飞是什么意思 周公解梦家中有蜂窝寓意是什么 做梦梦见蜂窝是什么意思? 听说驼奶可以美容,有没有这个效果啊? 机器学习几个重要概念 孩子注意力不集中应该如何进行教育? 用空气炸锅做炒米,不加油可不可以? 感恩节给老师祝福语 皮带上红布条的编法 孕妇常吃苹果的好处有哪些? BV皮带去哪里可以截短? 朋友圈显示卡点时间吗