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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 04:52



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 02:07

您好:Puff pastry dough ingredients 200 grams of walnut 15 grams of egg amount of auxiliary material filling materials 2 Apple Sugar Lemon Juice 20 grams of 10ml 5ml wine wine soaked raisins 15 grams 1 fillings Apple cut Xiaoding is mixed with sugar, into the pot heated, cook until the water basically volatilizes into the lemon juice, wine, and walnut broken and wine soaked raisins. Stir evenly off the fire and let cool after use. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees 2. 3 the puff pastry dough into 0.3cm thick sheet, cutting out the circular sheet by cutting die. The 4 bottom layer around the brush egg to paste, the top surface of the middle transverse knife used for ventilation. Put in the apple pie, and the two sides of the cover, and the round seal. 5 with a little fork around the light pressure, that re sealing also play a decorative role, brush the egg after entering the furnace. In the upper 6 into the oven, bake about 15 minutes. Tip one, with green apples do stuffing, cooked up don't change easily paste, have more toughness, and tastes a little sour and tasty and refreshing feeling; two, if you do Apple Pie with cinnamon powder, please try to use brown sugar powder, there will be a smell of beat all effect, if the internal stuffing not Jiayu cassia powder, with sugar; three, frozen puff pastry, once removed from the refrigerator to open the box, will spread out immediately, skin, otherwise it will stick together, to be re used a rolling pin pressure; four, the puff pastry to become soft variant, so preheat the oven must be, put in the oven immediately roasted at high temperature


您好:Puff pastry dough ingredients 200 grams of walnut 15 grams of egg amount of auxiliary material filling materials 2 Apple Sugar Lemon Juice 20 grams of 10ml 5ml wine wine soaked raisins 15 grams 1 fillings Apple cut Xiaoding is mixed with sugar, into the pot heated, cook un...



let me tell you how to make an apple pie.让我告诉你如何做苹果派。let me tell you how much is the car.让我告诉你车多少钱。Everybody is eager to happiness, feelings of well-being of everyone. Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very specific. Well-being sometimes dista...


I am a very clever person,i could do a lot of things,such as dancing and singing.Right now,my gran is teaching me how to cook,she cooks the most delicious apple pie in the world!My got really good marks in tests and I am really good at science pratical work.Although I ...


1. 用苹果写一篇英语作文 An apple is a kind of fruit .I like eating it very much.An apple is round.Its colour is green,it is not big,.It *** ells sweet and tastes good ,and it is a little sour.An apple is full of vitamin in it,it is good for us.So we say,"An apple a...


苹果派12元一公斤。蛋挞2元一份。我相信你会非常喜欢他们的。重点词汇:Dessert: 甜点,甜食。Strawberry :草莓。ice cream :冰激凌。RMB (=Renminbi):人民币。would you: 行吗 ; 你想 ; 你会不会。cakes :糕饼 ; 蛋糕 ; 饼状食物 ; 饼 ; 覆盖 ; 结成硬块 ; 胶凝 ; cake的第三人称单数...


My husband and I laughed heartily,determining in the future to be better neighbours ourselves. 搬家卡车的家具是停在门前,南加州的家我丈夫和我都打扫车库时,一个妇女的开放从街对面的房子来到我们和苹果派。“欢迎来到附近,”她说。“是我自己做的,我希望你拥有它。”“真的,我们不能去,"我...


It is on December 25,the birthday of Jesus Christ.节日在12月25日,是耶稣基督的生日。Before the festival,every family will buy a Christmas tree,and put it in the middle of the living-room.And their houses look more soft and beautiful.节日前,每个家庭都要买一颗圣诞树,放在起居室...


Christmas is no longer only celebrated by the Christians, but by most people from all over the world.第一段,首先简单介绍一下圣诞节的起源背景。On the twenty- fourth of December everyone gets excited for it’s the day before Christmas which is called Christmas Eve. The children ...


这里是一个关于介绍美国的英语作文范例:The United States of America is the world's most diverse, multiethnic country situated in North America. It is a land of natural beauty, ranges from coastlines to mountains, from deserts to rainforests. The U.S. covers an area of 3.8 million...

做一个苹果派用英语怎么说 苹果维修预约 苹果派皮的制作方法 如何制作苹果派的视频 家庭制作苹果派 自制苹果派的简单方法 自制苹果派的做法 自制苹果派的做法窍门 苹果派派皮的做法
六年级二班男女生的人数比是5:4男生比女生多8人六二班一共有多少人? ...女生人数的比是四比三,已知男生人数比女生人数多6人。男生和女生各... 六(1)班男生与女生人数比是4:3,女生比男生少8人,全班几人? 六(1)班男生与女生人数比是4:3,女生比男生少8人,全班几人 ...比是4比3,已知男生比女生多8人,六(1)班共有多少人 ...工作怎么处理?这是已经过去6年了,法律上有没有规定说必须的开除吗... ib锁了有回收iphone4的吗 地暖地板缝隙究竟有多脏,应如何保养护理 供暖期快到了,你家木地板还好吗?地板遇到地暖,需要做好哪几件事呢? 供暖期快到了,你家木地板还好吗地板遇到地暖,需要做好哪几件事呢 急求英语描述文 苹果派介绍 耽美文《左边》《苹果派》《小二》《俗不可耐》是he吗 求先虐受后虐攻最后HE的文(最后是现代文) 类似苹果派vainy的耽美文 有没有虐文结局好的古代文, 我也要bl生子虐文打包下载 虐身+虐心(越虐越好),有空的话随便发给我吧。 海信苹果派空调上面怎么设置显示室内温度 请问大家会用空气炸锅制作香脆吐司和苹果派吗? 求苹果派byvainy txt百度云 bl虐文 越虐越好 HE的 先虐受再虐攻的 虐身虐心的 求娱乐圈明星和平民耽美文 求bl 反攻虐文。 想念一个人的古风句子 类似青丝雪,青梅醉这类的虐痴情受的文。攻受菊洁,he。要书名和作者。最近文荒,越多越好,蟹蟹。 求推荐很好看的现代小说! 什么题材的都可以,主要是文笔要好。 不要小白,太雷,太做作和耽美。 H 有什么校园耽美虐文 古代耽美替身文虐文 《《苹果派》VAINY》最新txt全集下载 SD卡在手机和电脑上无法读取、 SD卡突然无法被电脑读取了,怎么搞啊? 为什么想学做苹果派 英语作文 100词 高中 土豆炸丸子做法 炸土豆丸子怎么做好吃又简单 炸土豆丸子最正宗的做法 油炸土豆丸子的做法 炸土豆丸子的家常做法大全怎么做好 油炸土豆丸子的家常做法 炸土豆素丸子的家常做法 炸土豆丸子的做法步骤图,炸土豆丸子怎么做 炸土豆丸子可以用红薯粉吗 油炸土豆肉丸子的做法 土豆丸子的家常做法炸丸子 炸土豆丸子怎么做 干炸土豆肉丸子的做法步骤图,怎么做好吃 炸土豆丸子用什么淀粉好 炸土豆肉丸子的做法有哪些 炸土豆丸子的家常做法是怎样的? 油炸土豆丸子怎么做最好吃 炸土豆丸子的做法 炸土豆丸子怎么做好吃不腻 炸土豆 西红柿炒大头菜的做法 大头菜西红柿怎么炒