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主题为"family trip"的五分钟左右的四人英文情景对话

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 04:16



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 22:39

Monica: Hey guys, I am exhausted in these days. Could we go outside have a short trip?

Chandler: Yeah, why not.

Richel: You know what, I still have one week left of my annual leave.

Ross: Yeah, great. Where should we go? Beach, Mountains or Vegas?

Monica, Chandler, Richel: Vegas, of course vegas!!!

Ross: OK. Let's split our missions. I will do the hotel bookings. Who like to check the flights?

Monica: I am checking it right now huh.

Richel: I will ask some coupons from my friends. They've been to vegas a weeks ago and get some discount from Marriot. Ross, could you check the room availability of Marriot in Vegas?

Ross: Sure. Give me one second!

Chandler: Oh dear god, I am so happy that we can have a short crazy trip in Vegas. I want to drink and gamble all night.

Monica: Sure you will. I prefer to go swimming at the pool and read.

Ross: guys, Marriot is available in this weekends, let's book 4 days, alright?

Chandler: Great, let's book two deluxe double room, ok?

Ross: Yeah, I will reserve two double room. Richel, tell the discount code of Marriot? They request to fill in the form when I apply the room.

Richel: Ok, I am waiting for my friends email.

Monica: Guess how lucky we are, there are several flights in a very low rate to Vegas, I think we can book the round trip tickets for at least 50% discount.

Ross, Richel, Chandler: Yeah!!!
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