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求两人关于旅游的英语对话 每人8到10句.

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 04:16



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 22:39

George and Helen are going on a trip to Zhangjia Jie.张家界
George:hello,darling,are you all set?We have to go now.
Helen:not yet,George.I ‘m still packing up things.
George:darling,why are you taking such a big suitcase?It’s only a 4 day
trip.Tell me what you put in here?
Helen:our clothes,of course.I was told that it might be cold on the top
of the mountain.So I take our light jackets薄夹克 with us.
George:Why are you taking towels毛巾 and slippers拖鞋?There are
plenty in the hotel.
Helen:I prefer to use my own.
George:why are you taking so many medicines?
Helen:well,you never know what will happen.Remember you had a
diarrhea拉肚子 last time we went to Jiao Zai Gou九寨沟.
Thank god I brought Imodium拉肚药 with me.So I have a little
bit of these and a little bit of that just in case.
George:but darling why are you taking a mini fan 迷你风扇with you?
Helen:It’s very hot there.At least I can have some air wherever I go.
George:anyway,we have got to go or we will be late.
Helen:wait a minute.I forgot the sun lotion防晒油.We definitely need
George:darling,I am begging you.We got to go now.We can always
buy things in the local areas,right?
Helen:George,where is the camera相机?We can’t go without a
George:It’s right on top of the drawer.Let me help you pack up.We
really got to go.
Helen:Ok.Off we go.George!
George:what is it?
Helen:Where are our I Ds (identification cards身份证)?
George:oh my God!
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