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求一篇英语作文:I should thank...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-02 18:29



热心网友 时间:2024-08-09 02:41

Should Thank my dear friends~ thank you for encouraging me ~recently it was a hard time for me ~and i feel disappointed these days ~but the situtation does not change~finally i realize that if i want to change~i should change myself first~and i think it's the right time ~~ life is going on ,and i have to move on~~all in one word~thank you, my friends~~applause ,applause for me ~~ Now standing in front of you is an optimistic and confident girl, but no more than half a year ago, things were quite the opposite. I was recommended for admission to Fudan University, so my parents sent me to study with undergraduates. I really had a hard time fitting in. Since it was the first time for me to live in a dormitory, and all the students around me are two or three years older. Worst of all, I couldn't get use to the food there. I kept complaining to my father on the phone, hoping to get some comfort. To my surprise, he said to me:" Stop complaining, my dear. You are so lucky. You don't have to take part in the college entrance examination, so you can manage your time freely. The difficulties you have now will make you braver. Just remember: gratitude is the right attitude everyday." After my father told me the last few words, I realized how I should lead my life. That is to take a grateful attitude towards my family, my friends, the people who helped me, and even the difficulties I had. I should thank my family for taking care of me, and always being there to support me. I should thank my friends for sharing good times and bad with me. I should never miss a chance to smile and say "thank you" to others. I should also thank the difficulties I have, because by overcoming them, I will improve a lot. I tried to communicate more with the people around me, and find that they were all kind and friendly.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-09 02:44

I should thank something to eat
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