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jacobs dream 的中英文歌词Alison Krauss唱的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 01:58



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 10:55


In the spring of 1856, with the snow still on the ground
Two little boys were lost in the mountains, above the town
The father went out hunting, the boys had stayed behind
While mother tended to her chores, they wandered from her side

The two had gone to follow him and lost their way instead
By sk the boys had not been found and fear had turned to dread
Two-hundred men had gathered there to comb the mountain side
The fires were built on the highest peak in hopes they'd see the light

Oh, mommy and daddy why can't you hear our cries
The day is almost over, soon it will be night
We're so cold and hungry and our feet are tired and sore
We promise not to stray again from our cabin door

Now Jacob Dibert woke one night from a strange and eerie dream
He saw a path between two hills near a dark and swollen stream
He told his wife he saw the boys huddled close beside a log
For two more nights the dream returned this vision sent from God

Oh, mommy and daddy why can't you hear our cries
The day is almost over, soon it will be night
We're so cold and hungry and our feet are tired and sore
We promise not to stray again from our cabin door

A thousand men had searched in vain the west side of pop's creek
But Jacob's wife knew of this place and said to travel east
With a guide to take him there, Jacob came upon the scene
And found the boys cold and still beneath the old birch tree

Oh, mommy and daddy, look past the tears you cry
We're both up in Heaven now, God is by our side
As you lay us down to rest, in the presence of the Lord
Know that we will meet you, here at Heaven's door

Oh, mommy and daddy, look past the tears you cry
We're both up in Heaven now, God is by our side
And as you lay us down to rest, in the presence of the Lord
Know that we will meet you, here at Heaven's door
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