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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 00:28



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 18:56


Study plan :I plan to study for the Mater Degree of Marketing in the University of xxx which last for two years. Because I believe my condition and qualification are suitable for the courses requirements. Matriculated in The University of XXX smoothly has proved the university also believes in my ability of completing my study without difficulties. Moreover, all of my accomplishments in the field of marketing within 10 year would be my good preparation for my further study. I am very confident that my experience would help me succeed in my post-graate study. To study marketing needs solid English foundation. Although I have been keeping learning English these years and already have a very good English foundation, I still reckon that my English will be improved if I pay much attention to learn it in an English speaking country. Therefore, I prepare to complete half a year's English courses before my study of master courses and take IELTS in New Zealand as well.

When I received my master degree, I will get systematic Marketing knowledge and understanding of the running of business in New Zealand, a developed Western country .My 10 year's saving which is *****RMB in *******Bank, my real estate which worth ****RMB (estimated my ******Bank) and my stock which worth ******* RMB (calculated in present market price) in stock market would be my firm foundation of studying in New Zealand. The study fee in ***university is ****** and the living cost is *****. Therefore, my financial status is sufficient to afford my study and living cost in New Zealand.Career objectiveAs soon as I finish my master degree in Marketing, I'd like to return back to China directly. First, it simply because I love my motherland very much and I believe my further ecation in New Zealand could help me to make greater contributions to the people and economy that I have a passion for.

The second reason is I feel lucky that I live in an era when China is undergoing rapid economic and political reforms. I witnessed with my own eyes its transition from a society of monotony and low proctivity to one that is much more open, prosperous, and full of momentum for growth. As a result this transition has created plenty of opportunities in Chinese economy.Since I have always dreamed of being a successful international marketer in China, I would like to utilize the knowledge that I will acquire in New Zealand and abundant experience accumulated in China's domestic market to extend my own career as an international marketer who concerns the marketing in global scale.More than ten year's domestic experience is extremely valuable for a successful marketer. However, in New Zealand-a country which has a totally different language and culture, there is few advantage for me, so coming back to China after learning is my best choice.

Finally, nearly all of my public relationship is based in China. During my ten year's work, I have already accumulated plenty of clients and relationship; those are very important foundation not only for my career but also for my daily life. I would never give them up. Furthermore my former company-Shenzhen XXX Electronic Co., Ltd. agreed with my decision of studying in New Zealand and they will keep my position and welfare while I am in New Zealand and look forward to my return. I would never like to miss this opportunity。注意哦:学习计划是因人因专业而异的,不要“照搬”呢。祝你好运,如愿得到理想大学的offer~~!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 18:57

Personal Statement

Mystified by people who reached the zenith of their career at a young age, I have longed to become one of them since my childhood. After eighteen years of cherishing this never-withering dream, I have often pondered what kind of qualities and beliefs contributed to their success. Even though there are answers in books, I would very much like to find out the truth by my own experience. I believe wit once bought is worth twice taught; and I can bootstrap my way up to the pinnacle of my profession. At that moment, fortune smiled on me.

In my sophomore year, as soon as I heard the University planned to select three students from a pool of more than twenty thousand candidates for an exchange program with Western Kentucky University, America, I realized it would be a perfect opportunity for me to widen my horizon and to enrich my knowledge. Even though the selection criteria were very stringent and demanded students not only to have outstanding academic performance and to speak fluent English, it also required the candidate to have independence and abilities to organize, dispose and coordinate complex affairs, and to be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties. I was opted for attending the final interview after a series of selective trials.

Then I was ruled out for I didn't have the English Certificate stipulated. When I heard that, I was very disappointed. Should I allow the stereotype to ruin the opportunity around the corner? At that moment, my high school headmaster's words came to me: “opportunity knocks on the door softly”. For my dreams, I must fight hard and prove my strength to the appraisal panel. Because of my persistent requests, I finally gained an opportunity, persuaded the examiners by my idiomatic and fluent English, and became one of the three winners.

In retrospect, I have learned that even though extraordinary personal qualities are key factors contributing to my abilities to organize various large scale activities at the University and Western Kentucky University, keen perception and clear vision to asses the potential for opportunities are also very important in life. Even though I can declare confidently that I have acquired many of these fundamental capacities, the study of merchant princes' success stories has taught me that I must cultivate an attitude promoting research independence, leadership and a team spirit. With the aid of the world-class program offered by your Business School, I can not fail.

I have deeply engraved in my memory the historic moment when the famous American President, Franklin Roosevelt, announced America's participation in World War II. I am overwhelmed by his brilliant decision and pine for becoming a person of consequence who can control not only his own fate but also inspire many others to fulfill their own destiny. The reason that I have chosen Business Planning Management is that I am fond of giving counsel and enjoy the challenge of devising strategies within a command objective.

Besides my efforts to solidify my skills in my chosen field, I have also found many sources of learning and improvement in books, lectures and symposiums. I have attempted to integrate theory with practice ring several of my internships. Among the examples I could site would be my experiences at DTZ Debenham Tie Leung. This international real estate advisor with offices in forty six countries allowed me to practice my skills and to incorporate my knowledge in many areas toward the discipline of market research and analysis. During this experience, when compiling questionnaires, I had to design and develop mechanisms that allowed the surveys to be not only comprehensible to the respondent, but a pleasant experience as well. I had to make sure that the wording of the questions was straightforward and unambiguous.

As to the content of the questionnaires, I employed my professional knowledge and wide-ranging experience skillfully and strategically in order for the surveys to be congruent with the purpose of the investigation. In addition, I exploited the methodologies I had learnt flexibly and adopted suitable ways and means when dealing with indivial questions. For example, I chose Likert scale method to measure consumers' attitude toward a particular building and to measure their personal preferences.

Furthermore, when working on the layout of the questionnaires, I considered whether or not the whole content was substantive and straightforward. Further, I considered whether or not the format was clearly written and finely divided; whether or not the manner of the question was appropriate, and whether or not the questions fit the psychological profile of the interviewee. Finally, I addressed the issue of executive charisma. I needed to be able to identify potential interviewees quickly and accurately, interact with them effectively and efficiently, adapt quickly to different types of indivials, persuade the interviewee of the efficacy of my research, and insure that the responses would have statistical validity.

During this process, I learnt to incarnate and concretize abstract knowledge and concepts, and to adapt my way of thinking to accommodate the situation and indivials with whom I was dealing. By so doing, my communication skills, adaptive faculties, and psychological make-up were improved and tempered greatly. Most importantly, it reinforced my positive views about the society, the country and its people.

In China, there are still many important questions to answer. Such questions as how to solve logistics costs in circulation enterprises, how to develop corporate culture, how small and medium-size enterprises compete with big business and foreign enterprises in terminal markets, how domestic companies consolidate resources and work out correct strategies after China's accession into WTO, need to be answered. All of these questions will be the focus of my future research interests.

I believe an overseas ecation can help me broaden my outlook, acquaint myself with approaches that advanced countries adopt to treat real issues in enterprises, and will help me acquire knowledge on how to discover, analyze and solve problems. I intend to plunge into the pioneering work of discriminating methodologies beneficial to Chinese companies' development. In an excellent foreign environment, I can also get in touch with a variety of people, distinct cultures and different means of disposing matter, which, in turn, will spur me to become a well-informed and comprehensive person, and an elite talent as well.

Moreover, I have also learnt from personal experience that America has ultramodern experimental equipments. It has a democratic, united, dynamic, stable and harmonious academic atmosphere, and direct human relations. All of these elements will help me deploy my talent in full, contact on the cutting edge of sciences, and learn the best practice trends in the world. These elements will further help me to develop into a professional who can truly accustom himself to various environments and societies.

Unequivocally I can state that self-confidence, self-reliance and self-learning abilities are three of my virtues. With them, I easily succeeded in Western Kentucky University. I believe there is still vast scope for me to tap my potential in my chosen field. Now, at this turning point in my life, I am full of eagerness, optimism and passion. I am confident while the path to success is often scattered with obstacles and hindrances, with great effort, motivation and commitment, academic accomplishment will be well within my reach. Therefore, I aspire to catch this precious opportunity of pursuing a PhD degree at your world-famed university just as before and to realize my dream of becoming a first-class business leader so as to contribute to the company's, the nation's, and even the world's harmony and progress.



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留学生计划书范文一: 在欧美国家,特别是移民国家,往往要求提供学习计划书供签证申请用。通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景选择留学专业的动机条件,选择该国留学的理由,清晰的留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,配合审核您的其他材料决定是否给您发放签证。 学习计划书的内容提纲: 1、简单说明自己的学习经历,专业背景...


制定去韩国留学的计划需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 目标和动机:首先确定自己为什么想去韩国留学,是为了学习特定的专业、提高语言能力还是体验不同的文化等。明确自己的目标和动机可以帮助你更好地制定计划。2. 研究学校和专业:了解韩国的大学和学院,包括排名、教学质量、课程设置等。根据自己的兴趣和目标...









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