发布时间:2022-05-05 03:31
时间:2022-06-28 23:06
比尔·克林顿,原名威廉·杰弗逊·克林顿(William Jefferson Clinton),美利坚合众国第42任总统(1992-2000),是美国第一位出生于第二次世界大战之后的总统、第二位遭受国会*动议的总统,也是仅次于西奥多·罗斯福和约翰·肯尼迪之后的最年轻的美国总统,以及弗兰克林·罗斯福之后连任成功的唯一一位民主党总统。
比尔·克林顿1946年8月19日出生于阿肯色州霍普市一个小店主的家庭。出生时名为威廉·杰弗逊·布莱斯四世(William Jefferson Blythe IV),其生父在比尔出生前几个月死于车祸,母亲弗吉尼亚·卡西迪·布莱斯(Virginia Cassidy Blyth)改嫁罗杰·克林顿(Roger Clinton)后比尔改名为威廉·杰弗逊·克林顿。
1964年克林顿高中毕业后进入华盛顿特区的乔治敦大学,主攻国际事务。高年级以跟随参议员外交委员会成员J.威廉·富布莱特(J.William Fulbright)实习。在乔治敦大学三年级学习期间,克林顿获得罗德学者奖学金(Rhodes Scholarship)得以在毕业后到英国牛津大学进行为期两年的学习。1970年克林顿进入耶鲁法学院主攻法律,同时期遇到来自芝加哥的希拉里·戴安·罗德姆(Hillary Diane Rodham),两人同时为民主党候选人乔治·麦戈文的竞选工作。
1973年克林顿从耶鲁法学院毕业后回到阿肯色州在阿肯色大学法学院任教,是时希拉里为国会水门事件调查委员会工作,并于1974年来到阿肯色州与克林顿成为同事。两人于1975年10月11日结婚。育有一女切尔西·维多利亚·克林顿(Chelsea Victoria Clinton),出生于1980年2月27日。
1974年克林顿与汉默施密特(John Paul Hammerschmidt)竞选阿肯色州联邦众议员失败,但此次竞选所获得的知名度帮他在1977年赢得了阿肯色州司法*一职。
1979年1月,年仅32岁的克林顿就任阿肯色州州长一职,成为美国历史上最年轻的州长之一。因为其在任期间政绩斐然,克林顿五次连任阿肯色州长一职,历时长达13年(1979-1992),并于1990-1991年任民主党领导委员会(Democratic Leadership Council)领导人。
1992年,克林顿作为民主党总统候选人与在任共和党总统乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什(George H.W.Bush)以及独立候选人罗斯·佩罗(Ross Perot)竞选美国总统,自称“新民主党人”(New Democrat),在内政方面提出一系列改革方案,以43%的公选票,370张选举人票当选美国第42任总统,于1993年1月20日宣誓就职。
1996年克林顿击败共和党总统候选人罗伯特·多尔(Robert Dole)和独立候选人罗斯·佩罗(Ross Perot)连任成功。
克林顿总统任期一直为丑闻和调查所困扰,70年代克林顿夫妇在阿肯色州参与投资的地产生意成为第一个独立调查案,也就是众所周知的“白水门”事件(Whitewater Scandal),在调查白水案的过程中,1998年,独立调查官发现克林顿与白宫实习生莱温斯基有染,众议院以克林顿作*为由提出*动议,参议院参与了克林顿的*审讯但*动议未在参议院获得通过。
在外交方面,克林顿强调取消关税壁垒实现全球自由贸易,1993年在国会通过北美自由贸易协议(North American Free Trade Agreement),次年通过另外一个全球范围的自由贸易协议创建世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)。
1999年克林顿夫妇将法定住址迁往纽约市郊,2000年希拉里·克林顿竞选纽约州联邦参议员成功。克林顿总统离任后出版回忆录《我的生活》(My Life),现居纽约。
New York Office:
William J. Clinton Foundation
55 West 125th St.
New York, NY 10027
Clinton Presidential Center & Foundation Offices in Little Rock:
William J. Clinton Foundation
1200 President Clinton Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72201
财政* 虽然其目标是减少预算赤字,但并不是以前各任总统所采取的简单减少支出的办法,而是采用有增有减的结构性财政*。主要措施有:通过增加投资,经济转型和增长战略来增加财政收入;削减国防经费;取消非生产性开支,鼓励私人投资;削减联邦经费;取消非生产性开支,鼓励私人投资;削减联邦行政开支。
货币* 克林顿*所采用的是较为温和,谨慎的货币*。这一点可以从过去几年联邦储备银行的数次利息升降中看出。
贸易* 克林顿将传统上一直以提倡“自由贸易”为荣的美国转变到目前更体现实用主义的“公平贸易”上来。鉴于经济竞争已成为冷战后国际竞争的核心内容,对外贸易特别是出口的扩大已成为支撑美国经济扩展的重要因素,克林顿*前所未有地把开拓国外市场、扩大对外贸易置于对外战略的优先地位。为此,美国*制定了美国有史以来第一个“国家出口战略”,确定了六大重点出口产业。
供给* 这是最为独特的部分。它在很大程度上吸收了日本等东亚国家过去30年经济快速成长的经验。这包括:
(1) 美国*机构开始投入技术开发。1994年,美国成立了国家科学委员会,总统任*,其地位与*委员会、国家经济委员会平等,把科技工作提到了空前重要的地位。
(2) 克林顿*大幅度增加了对技术改造项目的奖励,设立专门的投资税收信贷*,鼓励企业参与国际竞争,购置高效率的机器设备;对开创性的技术公司提供长期信贷税收基金。
(3)提高人力资本素质, 提倡终身教育。
(4)提高能源利用效率,走可持续发展的道路。 提倡减少能源消耗,加强防止空气和水污染,保护环境,鼓励废物的回收和利用,以提高经济效率。
时间:2022-06-28 23:06
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947) is the junior United States Senator from New York, and a member of the Democratic Party. She is married to Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, and was the First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001. She is a lawyer and a former First Lady of Arkansas.
Clinton was elected to the United States Senate in 2000, becoming the first First Lady elected to public office and the first female senator to represent New York. She was re-elected in 2006. As senator, she sits on the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Health, Ecation, Labor, and Pensions, and the Special Committee on Aging.
On January 20, 2007, Clinton announced the formation of a presidential exploratory committee for the United States presidential election of 2008 and began active campaigning for the Democratic nomination.
William Jefferson Clinton, born on August 19, 1946, was the 42nd President of the United States, serving from 1993 to 2001. Before his presidency, Clinton served nearly twelve years as the 50th and 52nd Governor of Arkansas. He was the third-youngest person to serve as president, after Theodore Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, and is considered the first baby boomer president. Clinton is considered to have served ring the American transition from the political order of the Cold War. Clinton was a New Democrat politician and was mainly responsible for the Third Way philosophy of governance that came to epitomize his two terms as president.
Clinton presided over the longest period of peace-time economic expansion in American history, which included a balanced budget and a federal surplus. His first term saw the passage of economic legislation such as the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. In 1994, because of several perceived failures, including an unsuccessful attempt at health care reform, Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Clinton's second term was largely marked by impeachment proceedings. He was subsequently acquitted by the United States Senate and remained in office to complete his term. Other events of Clinton's second term include the Kosovo War.
Clinton left office with polls revealing that many questioned his morals and ethics; however, he also retained a 65% approval rating, the highest end-of-presidency rating among all the Presidents that came into office after World War II. Since leaving office, Clinton has been involved in public speaking and humanitarian work. He created the William J. Clinton Foundation to promote and address international causes, such as treatment and prevention of HIV/ AIDS and global warming. In 2004, he released a personal autobiography, My Life. His wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is the Junior United States Senator from the state of New York, where they both currently reside.