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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-13 02:40



懂视网 时间:2022-04-13 07:01

最近在部署MySQL主从复制架构的时候,碰到了"Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work." 这个错误提示。即主从架构中使用了相同的UUID。检查server_id系统变量,已经是不同的设置,那原因是?接下来为具体描述。 1、错误消息 mysql> show slave staus; Last_IO_Error: Fatal error:&nb

1. slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs

简介:最近在部署MySQL主从复制架构的时候,碰到了"Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work." 这个错误提示。即主从架构中使用了相同的UUID。检查server_id系统变量,已经是不

2. master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs 解决方法

简介:使用rsync配置了大量mysql,省去了大量编译和配置的时间,随逐个修改master和slave服务器的my.cnf,后,发现数据不能同步 使用rsync配置了大量mysql,省去了大量编译和配置的时间,随逐个修改master和slave服务器的my.cnf,后,发现数据不能同步, 在slave服

3. MySQL报错:master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs

简介:MySQL报错:master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs

4. slave have equal MySQL Server UUIDs原因及解决

简介:最近在部署MySQL主从复制架构的时候,碰到了Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slav

5. master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs 解决方法_MySQL

简介:master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs 解决方法


android - 如何确定用于蓝牙串口通信的uuid

热心网友 时间:2022-04-13 04:09

Die Schweiz liegt zwar geografisch nicht genau mitten in Europa, spielt jedoch mindestens in verkehrstechnischer Hinsicht eine zentrale Rolle: rch die Alpen führt die zentrale europäische Verbinng von Norden nach Süden.

Ausserdem grenzt die Schweiz im Norden an Deutschland, im Osten an Österreich und das Fürstentum Liechtenstein, im Westen an Frankreich und im Süden an Italien. Auf diese Weise treffen in der Schweiz drei grosse europäische Kulturen aufeinander, nämlich die deutsche, die französische und die italienische.
Young people in Switzerland are as varied in their tastes and activities as their counterparts anywhere else in the world.

Different trends come and go. Some live for modern technology, while others seek for harmony between nature and body. Some think only of material values and external appearances, others try to right society's wrongs by joining extreme political groups.

Young people today are comfortable with prosperity. They search for their place in society and in the working world and enjoy freedom in their free time.

As society becomes more prosperous, people in general, and young people in particular, attach more importance to their leisure. A poll concted in 1999 showed that 63% of those aged between 18 and 39 regarded their leisure as "very important."

Their relative wealth and the explosion of opportunities for enjoying their free time has led many to identify more with their leisure activities and the group or scene they belong to, rather than with their job.

For many young Swiss, as for their counterparts in many other countries, wearing the right clothes with the right label is a way of asserting their personality and gaining social recognition. Where their parents passed surreptitious notes to each other in class, modern teenagers use the short message service on their mobile phones to communicate with their friends wherever they are in an abbreviated youth dialect that leaves alts perplexed - sometimes amused and sometimes annoyed.
Switzerland's history cannot be understood without considering its geography, which has had a considerable impact on determining the development of its way of life.

The country that we know today took its final shape only in 1848. Before that time, we cannot really speak of "Swiss history," but rather the history of its various parts, which only graally came together.
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