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I told my mum ___ story yesterday.

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 04:07



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 05:38

最佳答案选 A
all 和 whole
1)all 用于冠词、所有格或限定词之前:
All the vacationers enjoyed themselves.
2)all 和 whole 可以互换,但要注意the的位置:
All the winter(The whole winter) passed uneventfully.
All workers joined the general strike.

He ate the whole loaf.
I waited for her a whole half hour.
Whole Indian tribes were killed off.
It rained for three whole days.
1.all与whole都有“整个 ”“全部的”之含义。一般来讲, all可以修饰各类名词, 且限定词要放在all之后。 而whole 只能修饰具有整体意义的单数名词, 且限定词要放在whole 之前。
(1) all the money/ all the time/ all the country/all the students/ all my life/ all my books
(2) a whole roast ck/ the whole class/the whole city/the whole nation/my whole life
2.一般来讲,whole 不能修饰 复数可数名词, 但是若复数可数名词前有具体的数量词时, 则可以用whole 。
(3) three whole days / all three days
3. all与whole都可以用来修饰专有名词,但是用whole修饰专有名词时,一定要带of 。
(3) the whole of China/ all China
(4) the whole of Chinese history/all Chinese history
4. all 独立使用时, 在句中,可以做主语,宾语和同位语。whole 独立使用时, 在句中可以做补语。
(5) All are present.
(6) I have finished all today.
(7) They are all teachers.
(8) I like them all.
(9) The man ate an egg whole.
(10) Roast cks are cks that roasted whole

①all the time;the whole time 整个时间
②all my life; my whole life 我的一生
③all the class;the whole class 整个班级
【注意】如名主词前没有限定词,不能用whole,如可以说all day,而不能说 whole day。
①the whole city=all the city整座城市
②all the classes所有的班级(不能说 the whole classes)
①all the money所有的钱(不说the whole money)
②three whole days三整天
4)whole一般不能修饰地名。不能说the whole Europe,但可以说the wholeof Europe(整个欧洲)。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 05:38

A. 因为是the whole表示整个,后面跟单数。而all the表示所有,应该是all the stories,

热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 05:39


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