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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 01:28



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 08:04

Luck or hard work
Is it luck or hard work that brings success?The answer is "hard work". One's efforts bring him success and not his luck. It is said,"Triumphs dont't come without efforts."
Luck favors only those who help themselves. The harder you work, the luckier you get. A man works day and night giving up all his play and delight and moves ahead to earn success and when he earns it people call it luck. This excellence is in fact not luck, but the result of a lot of hard work. Any idea cannot become a success unless we work hard on it.
Today we are leading a happy and comfortable life e to hard work of someone else. We have bulbs to remove the darkness in a room; this was possible by hard work of Edison. We chat over phone with our friends, which has resulted by hard work of Alexander Graham Bell.
The world lifts its hats up to one who puts 50 percent of their efforts and on its head for those few souls who devote 100 percent. "Success accompanies only those who work hard and not the ones who hardly work."

Luck or hard work Is it luck or hard work that brings success?The answer is "hard work". One's efforts bring him success and not his luck. It is said,"Triumphs dont't come without efforts."Luck favors only those who help themselves. The harder you work, the luckier you ...


有人说成功靠运气 有人说成功靠勤奋与运气无关 写出你的观点TO Success: Opportunity or hard-working? Every body wants to succeed. But when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success, opportunity or hard-work, different people will offer different answers. Some people ...

我对幸运的看法 英语作文

①一些人把成功归于运气 ②另一些人把运气看作是勤奋的结果 ③我的看法 Nowadays, it is generally believed among some people that success comes from luck. They believe it in love, in examinations, and even in promotion. For instance, when some of them don’t get good marks in e...


Every body wants to succeed. But when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success, opportunity or hard-work, different people will offer different answers.Some people think that opportunity is the first factor leading to success. They hold the idea, as a proverb sa...


make efforts and get prepared. When opportunities come, meet and make full use of them. Only in this way can we succeed one day说明通过计划取得成功比冒风险取得成功好的Self-presentationgood morning, my name is jack, it is really a greathonor to have this opportunity for a interv...



对幸运的看法 的英语作文 急!

功夫不负有心人。高考来临了,我毫不犹豫地报考,并以优异的成绩考取了英语专业。I think luck is in our hands.我认为运气就在我们手中。There is a road to the mountain of books. Diligence is the path. There is no end to learning. It is hard to make a boat.书山有路勤为径,...


我相信不同的人会有不同的看法。如果有人问我对我来说成功是什么,我会告诉他进步就是成功。以下“关于成功的五年级英语作文”由 ! 【篇一】关于成功的五年级英语作文 Success means different things for different people. Some may equate it with money, some with work and still some with ohter. ...


但是事实上,并不是每个人都可以得到他们想要的,即使他们很努力的工作,但是如果付出没有带来成功,为什么人们还要努力工作呢。在我看来,努力工作并不意味着人们一定可以成功,成功需要更多的因素,比如时间,运气和其他等等。 毫无疑问,如果人们不付出,不为目标奋斗的话,他想得到的东西就无法触及。一些演员很早就出道,当...


谈到成功时,对于实现成功的原因不同的人有不同的看法。有些人认为勤奋是成功必备的素质,而另一些人则相信聪明人会实现成功。从我的角度来看,我认为毅力和勤奋对于那些想要成功的人是必不可少的。 Firstly, perseverance let people step closely towards success. Most people want to make a big difference to pr...

靠勤奋成功的名人有哪些 靠运气成功的人 人生就是要靠运气的 靠勤奋成功的名人 光靠勤奋和努力是远远不够的 成功靠勤奋还是机会 成功靠勤奋的名言 成功不能靠运气 成功靠运气别逗了
电脑清理的是哪些垃圾 学校卫生有哪些 校园打扫卫生实践内容有哪些呢? 搜狗浏览器怎么设置百度搜索 搜狗浏览器怎么把百度设置搜索引擎 上海康进医疗器械有限公司经营范围及产品 饥荒切斯特怎么升级介绍_饥荒切斯特怎么升级是什么 国家储备粮食够吃几年 日本精品卡2卡三卡4卡晚上少人不宜看?Feels网友汉娜纠正:那是B站! 莲蓉馅的做法 掌握这些烹饪技巧 酒厂属于什么行业类型 什么鱼不可以吃? 英语作文:成功 英语作文 如何看待勤奋与成功的关系? 谁有赞美诗《如果》的歌词和歌的地址?帮帮忙。。。 成功的关键在于勤奋,请翻译成英文,thanks!! 勤奋的成功之父英语作文 成功三要素,专心 恒心,勤奋的英语作文 诗歌《如果》诗词是什么? 外国诗词《如果》? 英语作文,勤奋是通往成功的钥匙,大学生要怎么做? 《如果》赞美诗歌是什么? 英语作文《what does being successful mean to you》 写一篇关于梦想和勤奋哪个对于成功更重要的的英语作文 求一篇勤奋和成功的关系的英语作文 以"harderworkingnow.morehopeforfuture"为题的初中英语作文 狗年女宝宝杜氏起名 我的手机内存卡是256M的,把卡放进电脑里读,显示有233M,可是却看不到里面的内容,是怎么回事呢? 如何扩展手机内存卡?本来是256M的,如何扩展? 手机256m内存卡一般可以储存多少部电影 16G内存卡,里面嵌入了程序,电脑打开显示容量只有256M,怎么格式化掉内嵌程序? 以诗歌的形式用“如果”造句 什么鱼肉不能吃 假如这首诗歌表达了作者什么样的思想感情 《假如.......》的诗歌 什么样的鱼不能吃? 哪些海鱼不能吃或身体有毒钓到怎么辨别! 脑筋急转弯什么鱼不能吃? 爱情思念的句子 关于想念的爱情句子 关于思念爱情的句子 健身教练可以干多久? 找些可以形容思念爱恋的句子,古今皆可 健身教练要怎样条件 回忆青春爱情思念句子 健身教练职责 如何成为健身教练 汶上莲花湖湿地都有哪些景点 辽宁铁岭莲花湖湿地公园的景点介绍 我国著名的赏莲胜地有哪些? 莲花湖的主要看点