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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 00:02



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 01:07

When she was born in my family 17 years ago,I felt she was the best gift the god had given to me.since we had her ,happiness and expectetion has been around us.when went home after daily work tired,this feel disappeared when her bright laughter came along......always brings us happiness and surprises.she likes smiling since she was a little girl,humour words and imitation always delight us.meantime,she is a talented girl
给美国寄宿家庭写信.帮忙翻译.高分 紧急!!

Steve.1. 不用说你是谁,因为信的落款会写你是谁。2. 不要用 annex. 附件的英文是 attachment, 附加在邮件里是 attached to.3. 把转机的信息写清楚,不知道你们的学生会有没有安排给你接机,如果希望对方接机,要在邮件中写明。Could you pick me up at airport? 如果有机场代码要把机场代码...


When she was born in my family 17 years ago,I felt she was the best gift the god had given to me.since we had her ,happiness and expectetion has been around us.when went home after daily work tired,this feel disappeared when her bright laughter came along...always brings ...

翻译 给美国寄宿家庭的信

This would be the first time for me to go to America, which makes me a little nervous. But I know that I am going to get used to new life in America and get used to being a member of you.I am going to apply for my visa tomorrow and then I could decide on the sta...


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson:I am glad to learn that you will be my host family in Littletown when I start high school in September. Thanks a lot for your kindness of letting me to live in your house, and for all other facilities you will be providing.My name is Juncheng ...

想要给寄宿家庭写一封信 请大伙帮我翻译 请不要使用翻译器 拜托各位大 ...

I also want to know where the climate throughout the year and now this timewhat to wear appropriate. There is a school of distance from our home and I go to school of transportation. I also want to know more about your home life habit.Looking forward to your reply.


Dear mum, dad, sister:Thank you very much for the days of our care, the days we had, and we are very happy to live together with you. Your very good to me, we are very touched, thank you. We'll miss you. Thank you take us to eat hot pot, thank you take us to ...




I was that summer vacation boarding in your Chinese girls, called Emily, and I come with my good friend of Vicky. There we have a good time, so that to now about you every bit of often in my mind. Today's Christmas, remember you said Christmas for americans has a particul...


Dears,I am writing to learn some basic information about your family. Such as your jobs, family members, daily schedule, any pets or believe in any religions? Is there anything taboo? What activities you do in daily life? Can you send me your photos?The above are my questions...

交流生给寄宿家庭的一封信 求好心人翻译 急!

Hello. I am going to the United States to begin my exchange student life. That was placed in your home life, I am very pleased.I have some American culture and life with great enthusiasm. The exchange student program has given me a chance to experience new things. Me believe ...

美国的寄宿家庭需要注意什么 美国寄宿家庭的费用多少 美国寄宿家庭都是什么样的人 美国为什么会有寄宿家庭 美国为什么都是寄宿家庭 去美国住寄宿家庭 美国怎么找寄宿家庭 美国寄宿家庭安全吗 美国寄宿家庭如何收费
高级项目管理师报考条件是什么 高级项目管理师报考条件 裱花蛋糕是什么意思 手机卡住了,按关机按不了怎么办呢? vivo手机卡住了屏幕不动也没法关机? 金山毒霸和360安全卫士哪个好用? 生咖啡:嗅觉和肉眼检验以及杂质和缺陷的测定内容简介 四川东柳醪糟有限责任公司公司产品与服务 有什么出名的特色酒酿? 给暗恋对象送什么花 食品添加剂包括什么? 快速减肥方法小妙招 有哪些呢? 减肥的小方法 老师要我们写2篇英语作文现在时间快到了我马上就要了麻烦快点帮我写我初2 要50-60 字的 题目:快乐的暑假 快速减肥方法小窍门 关于简单的小学生英语翻译······· 怎么减肥最快的秘诀 十二个减肥小妙招 减肥有哪些小妙招? 谁知道“欲望上海”(Sex and Shanghai) 的博客的网址? 减肥的方法小窍门有什么啊? 有什么轻松减肥小妙招? 想要减掉赘肉,什么小妙招最好用? 减肥小妙招有那些 减肥小窍门一天减一斤的方法? 减肥的一些小窍门 减肥小妙招 生活中有哪些减肥小妙招? 日常生活中,减肥小妙招有哪些? 减肥的小妙招? 生活中减肥小窍门? 如何用ghost备份还原系统 日常减肥小妙招有哪些? 小学五年级上册英语全品作业本 减肥的小妙招有哪些 文章翻译,中译英 7个简单减肥小窍门 翻译文字 纯人工翻译的进 多谢 可加分 有没有成功瘦下来的达人可以传授一下减肥小妙招啊? 关于六年级英语问题!!! 各位帮帮忙一个英语短文!!!急! 国产10一14sexohd 10篇初2英语作文 ▇█▇▆200分▄▃▂▁征集英文笑话啦▁▂▃▄200分▅▆▇▇█ 求一些连词 这些帮我翻译成英文好吗 英语短文翻译 (1)这是阅读理解里的东西,数字是问题.字母是答案.求翻译. 注:补充内容的问题就把答案放进问题内一起翻译. 搞笑的英语短文 水泥地面起灰如何处理? 水泥地面起粉起灰怎么处理? 水泥地面起灰处理的方法都有什么呢