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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-01 10:42



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 18:53



  Some people believe that a college or university ecation should be available to all students. Others believe that higher ecation should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.



  Both good and bad students should have the opportunity to attend college. Everyone should have a period to learn about themselves before they begin to work and earn money. An ecation is an investment in yourself and in your future. Good or bad, a student must decide to invest real money and real time.

  Higher ecation is very expensive. It might seem like a waste of money to send someone to college who might not be able to handle the course work. Still, ecation is a valuable investment in future career earnings. People with college degrees make more money and have more opportunities later. If people have a desire to improve their lives, do we have the right to say no?

  Higher ecation is also a big investment of time. Some people think a weak student should get a job and earn some money. They think poor students shouldn’t waste their time at college. But college is a time to meet different people, separate from your parents, and begin to define yourself as a person. I think that’s an experience every student should have.

  I think every student should be given a chance to see how far she can go. Students who got poor grades in high school might do very well in a different environment. College may be expensive and take time, but it’s an investment in one’s self and one’s future.


  investment:投资,投资额; 封锁; (时间、精力的)投入; 值得买的东西

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