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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-24 14:58



热心网友 时间:2024-08-03 06:27

I moved to a new school, new school is not only large but also beautiful. I know a lot of new friends, my best friend is Simon, he is from Germany, he thin and tall, and I like sports. Mathematics is still my favorite subject, because I am good at math. I took part in many activities in the new school, took part in the sports meet last month and get the prize. I still insist on physical exercise, summer swimming, playing basketball in the winter. I hope you can tell me about your recent situation.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-03 06:29

I moved to a new school, the new school is not only large but also very attractive. I know a lot of new friends, my best friend is Simon, from Germany, he is thin and tall, and I like sports. Math is still my favorite subjects because I am good at maths. I took part in many activities in the new school, took part in the games and took the prize last month. I insisted exercise, swimming, playing basketball in the winter. I hope you can tell your news

热心网友 时间:2024-08-03 06:32

I transferred to a new school, it is large andvery beautiful. I know a lot of new friends, my best friend is Simon, he isfrom Germany,he thin and tall, and he like sports as me. Mathematics is still my favoritesubject, because I am good at math. I took part in many activities in the newschool, took part in the sports meet and get the prize last month. I stillinsist on physical exercise, summer swimming, playing basketball in the winter.I wish you can tell me about your recent situation.
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