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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-24 21:17



热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 13:38

1. You've received the re-check application of this factory, have you?
检验有多种说法,如examine, check, test, inspect, detect, verify等动词以及相应的名词,具体用哪个要看上下文。
2. We didn't submit re-check application to this factory recently.
We didn't ask this factory to submit re-check application recently.
3. Can we apply for delay of this re-check?
4. Because there is no new order so far.
so far表示到目前为止。
5. In addition, would you please tell me how much does it cost for the re-check?

热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 13:34

You've received the request for the re-inspection of this factory right? We haven't submitted any requests recently, so is it possible to delay this re-inspection as we haven't gotten any new orders yet. Also, can you tell me how much the re-inspection will cost?

~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道通畅,敬请采纳、

热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 13:31

Did you received the re-inspiration request from this factory? We haven't submitted any re-inspiration request recently. For this re-inspiration, can we ask for delates? For now we haven't received any new oders. By the way, can you tell me how much we need to pay for re-inspiration?


热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 13:36

You've received the application for reinspection from this factory, haven't you? We don't haven any application for reinspection to the factory. Can this application for reinspection be delayed? We haven't get new orders yet. By the way, how much does the reinspection cost?

5. In addition, would you please tell me how much does it cost for the re-check?此句用虚拟语气较妥。


unless =if not 除非,如果不……就 这两个词的意思有点相反 You can only fly to London this evening provided you do not mind changing planes in Pairs.如果你不介意在巴黎转机的话,你今天晚上只能乘飞机去伦敦了。(今天晚上应该没有直达去伦敦的飞机,也没有其他更好的交通方式了,只能选择...


She became my friend as I found him frank and helpful.


1、事实上我们可以做大部分普通的颜色,附上一些工厂的产品图片给你参考,你可以选择这些颜色或者提供号码给我们。Actually we can do most ordinary colors. Here attach some product pictures FYI. You can choose the color or tell us the color number.2、我们会尝试去调试这个颜色,然后会先发送...


I get your confirmation, I will send them to you at the end of this month.I am sorry to note you that the delivery time should be longer than usual because it is the Chinese New Year on February and all the factories will be shut down for holiday untile March 1st....


翻译版本(1)I believe that we can help more people to get out of tiredness and restriction to lead an abundant and healthful , free life that is full of hope and love . To live in the love of the God with great happiness ,if you want to do such a thing , welcome you...

帮忙英文翻译 小短句 谢谢

帮忙英文翻译 小短句 谢谢 如果可以的话请帮助我dOsomething.这种客气的请求帮助的话都有什么还有像是这种ifyouhelpmetodosomething,i'llbeveryhappy.类似的... 如果可以的话 请帮助我 dO something.这种客气的 请求帮助的话 都有什么 还有像是这种 if you help me to do something,i 'll be very happy....


【译文】Hello xxx,Thanks for enclosing cable for the last equipment we received from you. Enclosed is the photo we took after opening the package.However, I think cable was missing for the earlier 2 equipments you sent to us. Would you mind send us 2 set of the cable when ...


Finishing Goods 负责接听电话,记录留言,转接电话 Responsible for answering phones, record messages, transfer calls 向电话询问者提供商品的详细信息。Telephone inquirer to provide detailed information on commodities 记录每天的销售情况,整理后做成报表以方便统计 Record sales day, collated and made ...


排序:月亮、闪电、雨云、太阳。Then i sommoned the electric force right after i addressed the night goddess not before i calmed the rain makfer and the luminous star 当我称呼黑夜之神后,我召唤了雷电力量,之后我使唤雨师和明亮之星平静下来 ...

通畅用英语怎么说 这两句话什么意思 这两句话告诉我们什么 二句话还是两句话 两句话组成一句话 通畅 英文 这两句话 这两句话告诉我们 道路通畅英语
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