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《what do you want to do》歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-26 02:18



热心网友 时间:2024-07-11 19:59

what do you want 打印此页
歌手:avant 专辑:ecstasy

Yo guess who's back Av Yo stizzle Give em what the

[Verse 1]
Come on,Baby tell me what you want from me,
I can see the way you checkin me
Don't be scare baby step to me, and
let me know what you want from me
I love the freaky way that you move your body
the way you move baby girl don't stop it
Dj keep the dance floor hoppin so I can see
just what you want from me

What do you want from me? huh babe
Now baby shake for me (shake for me)
Yes I want to see, bring out the freak in me (bring out the freak in me)
Shake it for me on the dance floor
Shake it baby, lets get down
I wanna see your body move for me
I wanna see your body move for me, so baby shake for me

My clique blowin up the vip
pourin cris like it's New Years Eve
ain't no need for them to check for me
Cuz I'm exactly where I wanna be
now do that hang wit cha hips then drop it
to all the haters in the club just stop it
cuz tonight ain't go be no blockin
I'm goin to give her everything her body wants from me

Everybody that came with me is paid
and ain't no mommies in here, were tryin to save
but the way that you movin got me in a daze
so you go be leavin in the Escalade, so tell me

What do you want from me? baby....
Now baby shake for me (shake your thang)
Yes I wanna see,(you know i wanna see)
bring out the freak in me (you bring out the freak in me)
shake it for me on the dance floor
shake it baby lets get down
I wanna see your body move for me
I wanna see your body move for me, so baby shake for me

And it goes like
A chick with a cost
she take whatever
body look tougher in her jeans but greater
in leather get dress chose more whips
than chasing the weather
so when it's hot top down
stone beats forever baby tell me what you want for me
poppin bottles of crisi
rollin off exctasy
my clique is growin up vi
and when you next to me the world is yours
my city on lock so here's the key
keep it movin haters faces tatooed
in a colorful gators with players
throw your hands up if you gettin that paper
it's major, chickens blowin up my cell and my pager
tellin me come to the club got Av and the Gator
holla later we out

What do you want from me?
Now baby shake for me (shake babe)
Yes I wanna see (I wanna see you)
Bring out the freak in me
shake it for me on the dance floor
shake it baby lets get down
I wanna see your body move for me
I wanna see your body shake for me
[repeat 1nce]

[Added limbs]
If your from the West where you shake it at
If your from the East where you shake it at
If your from the North where you shake it at
If your from the Dirty Dirty where you shake it at
and if you pop cris where you shake it at
and if you push whips where you shake it at
and if you rock ice where you shake it at
tell me now,tell me where you shake it at
it ain't easy man, huh it might look like
glamor life to ya cuz you see me ridin
rings on pinkies you digg
watches on arms you digg
chains around neck you digg
but if you want to get to this static you gone have to
work baby..... I see you at the top holla
《what do you want to do》歌词

Don't be scare baby step to me, and let me know what you want from me I love the freaky way that you move your body the way you move baby girl don't stop it Dj keep the dance floor hoppin so I can see just what you want from me What do you want from me? huh ...

有歌词do what you what to do是什么英文歌曲?AFV的一个背景歌曲,不是...

invite us all into a wonderful world.do what you want to do the world is full of dreams life is too short to wait for you wake up your mind, fulfill your dream do what you want to do you need to find yourself the road is there for you to go make up your mind, run...

求《Do what you want to》的歌词

Do what you want to do The world is full of dreams Life is too short to wait for you Wake up your mind, fulfill your dreams Do what you want to do You need to find yourself The road is there for you to go Make up your mind, run by yourself When it's tough Your f...

歌曲Do what you want to do 歌词,求翻译

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What You Wanna Do 歌词

See I see what I want and I can make it happen And either way I can make you happy Baby say the word and you can roll with me Forget about your plans you can ride with me And I can understand if you got a place to be So what you gunna do (gunna do do do)So ...

What Do You Want的歌词

you're asking me Asking me to give you more from me Can't you see I'm giving you everything What do you want from me Everytime I see you, you're asking me Asking me to give you more of me Can't you see I'm giving you everything I can no longer give you what ...

What Do You Want? 歌词

歌手 :Joy Enriquez BY : 婷婷^_^ What do you want from me Everytime I see you, you're asking me Asking me to give you more from me Can't you see I'm giving you everything What do you want from me Everytime I see you, you're asking me Asking me to give you ...

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