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英文 作文(2)

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-01 00:02



热心网友 时间:2024-02-05 10:55

For many
the inter is a treasure.But for me
I take a medium attitude of it. It's true that learning through the Inter is convenient.Students can study at any place and at any time only if they have a puter to surf the and they want to.Therefore
people can learn at their own pace easily.Yet
is this too ideal?Is all the people have ability and willingness to set the scheles to learn?For people who can't manage themselves
once they have a puter
the idea es to their minds is never studying but playing.Even if people who can manage themselves
it seems that there is much fallible information on the inter since there is no filter for people leaving something wrong on the .Hence
children would easily learn wrong knowledge by using the inter to learn.After considering roughly the effects of the inter on children
I advise children who don't have self-control should not take that special method to learn.And for the other children
they can have a try after *** s pick the designated website for children to learn.
In my opinion
inter is immensely practical.It can assist us a lot in our life.It is a great invention for us to work.Moreover
we can use it for entertaining in spare time.It can indeed reinforce the efficiency of children's academic curriculas. Nevertheless
some folks don't agree with me.They think that it wastes their childrens' time.They suppose children don't have time management.Consequently
they find inter annoying.They can only adopt it when children are employing puters to do their homework. Nowdays
some of the parents are extremely strict.They even close the puter.Therefore
children can't surf the .They believe it is a behaviour which are wasting precious time.Also
it will affect their studies and alter their attitude towards life.Fortunately
a part of them only limit the time of using puters. As a matter of fact
children can control themselves from immersing in inter.Partents shouldn't be solicitous.Naturally
the problems can settle easily. In fact
surfing the inter has tremendous advantages.We can uptake a great deal of knowledge that we can't learn from the books.Furthermore
it can alleviate student's pressure which e from students' enormous workload. Therefore
surfing the is really of use.I hope opponents will agree with me.
参考: myself
please don't copy!!!!
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