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impress on和impress with 有什么区别 要中英例句

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 18:51



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 01:22

一、“impress on”与“impress with”区别是:

impress on带有强制性,

impress with是通过诱导达到目的。


(一)impress on

1、I want to impress on everyone that the bad times are over. 


2、I impress on him the importance of his work. 


3、They spent a long time trying to impress on her the importance of coming for examination regularly. 


4、They really impress on screen and off, especially in sparkling gems. 


5、He's always trying to impress on me how much easier life is if you're well-organized. 


6、His parents try to impress on him that it is very important to be honest. 


7、Try to impress on her the tragic effect of her actions. 


8、I would like to impress on our visitors first the breadth and depth of photography that was invented in the West. 


9、But you know, the two things right now that I want to impress on the guys this summer are conditioning and chemistry. 


10、John Wilkes casually but swiftly came back to his place beside the speaker, as if to impress on all present that this man was his guest and that, moreover, there were ladies present. 


(二)impress with

1、More importantly, we must impress with the spirit of our people. 


2、I went there to film Full House and still impress with it until now. 


3、Perhaps I was trying to impress him with my precocious wisdom. 


4、Carry it with you on appointments with clients, and impress them with your financial know-how and instant answers. 


5、Hope you can impress them with your great interview skills. 


6、You will impress others with your initiative and ability to accomplish while on short business trips. 


7、The Regency staff will impress you with their friendliness, discreetness and willingness to provide you with outstanding service. 


8、Actually, I was trying to impress you with my extensive knowledge of wine.


9、That's why I thought I'll impress her with the suit. 


10、I wish to impress you with the necessity of studying. 


一、impress on

读音:英 [imˈpres ɔn] ;美 [ɪmˈprɛs ɑn]


二、impress with

读音:英 [imˈpres wið];美 [ɪmˈprɛs wɪð]

把…印在…上, 因…获得好印象

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 01:23

he impressed the importance of learning English on his son
he impressed the judges with his graceful manner
impress on (upon)
1、使 铭记, 使 得深刻印象
2、在... 盖印
impress with
1、使对...留有深刻的印象; 使铭记
2、盖 上..., 印上...

基本上,impress on & impress upon 通用
格式上与impress with 有区别
1、impress sth. in [on] one's memory
be impressed with

2、impress a mark on [upon] a surface=impress a surface with a mark

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 01:23

on 后接人 with 接事
he impressed the importance of learning English on his son
he impressed the judges with his graceful manner umzoncnh 2014-11-21
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