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关于Spring Festival couplets的作文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-18 00:12



热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 22:35

In the sound of firecrackers, we usher in the biggest section of the Chinese Yue - Chinese New Year, every family beaming, hang up red lanterns, red paste couplets, busy ... ...

Holiday movies, but also a happy child reads.

Are from the past, I have the latest person may fight today I had a first, because most want to smell that smell fragrant smoke of firecrackers. A string of lit firecrackers in people's hands, sounds really big, four splash, as if a blessing to every household must each, successive rounds of firecrackers, crackling crowded.

In the sound of firecrackers after, it's no fun of. Or eat breakfast bar, a little later went out to play a play!

Eaten dinner, I invited a few friends together to play in the street lit firecrackers on the ground out a beautiful flower, beautiful, bags filled with the parents give pocket money, say nothing more happy. Today's birds are also along for the ride out, presumably they are also very heart rejoice.

On the street is indeed the street, play eat everything evil. Most see some kids, I glanced at on a few spicy sharing business best:

"I want a bunch of cake!" Cried a fat child.

Zaiqu look at how other places? Tanqian in a stationery store, I was stopped in her tracks. There are a variety of play things: airplane model, a telescope, electric car ... ... to do some fun stuff. I have found that those who play the most popular thing.

In other places, I also saw some balloons in the sale, pistols, rope skipping, and some in the selling snacks, dessert, fruit, clothing and used to eat everything evil is indeed full of wonders.

Played a morning, afternoon, I have to go to attempt to visit New Year's greeting, and this certainly is a happy thing.

Excitement in fits of overzealous today, really! Be hand-fed three Yibaoyanfu two palate blessings. The most fortunate are those vendors, and business is booming today, but Hello!

Sincerely hope that today the country's children in the new year, happily, there is no trouble, but do not "Wanwusang" yo!

Brief: In this paper a day have seen and heard as the line, write the New Year's joy. Play firecrackers, shopping, all the way to write to, in the lively atmosphere of the Spring Festival, when people write happy mood. It can be said of this article was "delighted" the text of the full text can be considered eye. The day's activities in order to cut into perspective, reflecting the excitement of the traditional Spring Festival, the infinite joy with people, seize the topic "Spring Festival" and key features.
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