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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-28 21:39



热心网友 时间:2024-04-04 04:35

hello there,hello there, how are you?yes,yes,you are here for the virtual haircut.yes,yes,ok,I will go get Louichi,he will come and cut your hair.ah,just stay there.Louichi?Louchi?
hhh..Louichi...this man is right here..the president is here for the virtual haircut,you'd better come out.
right...I'll come right now.
OK,he,he is coming up right now and..meanwhile I will go over here and play the music,play the guitar,because, that is what I do here in the barbershop.hmm.

well,it's so nice to see you.Welcome to the...barbershop and your virtual haircut.I'd like to start the demonstration by moving over to your right hand side and picking up this bag.If you just hold still for a second,I put this bag over your head,just like that.the bag over the top of the head.and now I take the bag off.there would go.The only reason I did that is because all of the fancy barbershops do that.

what you are listening to is I move off to your right and very quickly washing my hands,manwell,would you get that please.Ah,thank you manwell. Let me finish washing my hands here.just there wait me for a few more seconds.ah yes,as I was saying all we're doingis using your head as the listening point.

and we have two microphones,one on either side of the head,in the same position is where your left, and your right ears are.your brain is doing all of the work, telling you where the sounds are coming from.

OK,I'll go get the secissors.and now,as it is beginning to clipping,and bring the clips close to your ear,very close to the right ear,follow me as I move around back to the head, to the left ear,and upon over the top of the head,ok,now,you can get the same affect better with an electric erasor,I'll first bring it close to your right ear,is it perfect?and around the back ,and on the left,right there, I think that looks wonderful,mandwell,what do you think?

huh?what?um.yes,yes,it looks wonderful louchi.You do such nice work.






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