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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-22 22:42



热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 12:42

It is a fact that many young people have a great pressure on buying a new house.In my opinion,house is the first.A house is something that can make us settle down.we should have a place to begin our life after work.A car is not very important.Without car,we can also have a good life.we won't get the pressure of the traffic too much if we don't have a car.That is my opinion.Thank you.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 12:38

I heard a young man and young woman arguing whether they should buy a house first or a car first. The man wants a car so he can drive around with his girlfriend and travel to far away places like Vlastovsk or Seoul. But the young woman wants a house so she can live there without going out. The man said, "let's buy a car so we can travel the world, and I'll take you to Europe and Africa to see elephants." The woman was not impressed, and said that "I don't want to go to Europe, and I don't want to see elephant. I just want to live in my house and watch TV every day and every night." They don't agree with each other, so they bought a large recreational vehicle so they can live in and travel around the world.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 12:42


热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 12:43

You graduated from college, landed a good job, and have been diligently saving money for awhile now. Your car is getting old and pretty soon you are going to need a new one, but you also have the desire to be a homeowner. Should you buy a new house or a new car first? This question is actually extremely difficult to answer. It truly depends on the immediate financial circumstances of the individual involved.

Before thinking about it, most people would probably advise buying a house before buying a car. After all, a house is an appreciating asset and a car is a depreciating liability, right? That statement might be true in the long term, but in reality, most working professionals will eventually buy both a house and a car. In the end you will have the money for both. So it’s not really an issue of which is the better long term investment, it’s a question of which one should be purchased first.
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