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需要一片英语作文 my water holiday

发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-27 18:41



热心网友 时间:2024-04-13 07:59

My perfect holiday
When I have a month off in winter,I would go to Italy with my friends. I know I could look after myself. I always think Italy is a very romantic place. And we would in a white world. We would ski and have a wonderful time! And then we would watch a fashion show, buy some gifts for my parents, listen to the concert and eat delicious Italian food. We would enjoy our perfect holiday!

My perfect holiday
When I was young, I always had interesting holiday. But now I'm a teenager. I don't have a perfect holiday at all. So I always imagine I would have a perfect holiday. I would go to New York with my mother .when I get there. I would go shopping at first. I would buy T-shirt, CDs, shoes and a computer. I would talk with foreigners to practice my English, I would stay there for one year, but I hope I would get a green card and stay there all my life.

My perfect holiday
In my perfect holiday, I would like to go to Jiuzhaigou with my sister and brothers, because the view there is very beautiful. We would stay there for a month. In Jiuzhaigou , we would see the waterfall. And that would be my first time to see a waterfall. The beautiful views there would make the holiday enjoyable and we would have a wonderful time.

My perfect holiday
I haven't had a perfect holiday, because I always had a lot of homework. I hope I would have a perfect holiday. I would go to Hawaii with my parents, because it is a beautiful place. I would go to restaurant and eat a lot of different food. Then, we would go to the beach, enjoy the local music and dance happily around the fire at night. At last, we would go back home. I would take photos with beautiful girls. I would enjoy myself in Hawaii. I would have a good time.

My perfect holiday
I would go to Shanghai with my parents. Because it’s a famous modern city,I would stay there for 2 months. I would go shopping with my parents, and eat some different and delicious food from Eastern and European. I would buy some books and CDs. I would go to concert of international well—known musicians. I would make some friends with teenagers. Finally, I would go home by air. And my perfect holiday would be over.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-13 07:56

你的水假日???怎么写 啊
需要一片英语作文 my water holiday

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