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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-27 19:47



热心网友 时间:2024-04-03 03:35

Today,advertisement is an information-spreading activity whose biggest advantage is widely spreading and transmitting the information to numerous customers at the same time.There are many transmitting ways for advertisement,and the common ones are advertised through TV,magazine and radio.It is investigated that 16.38% people often pay attention to advertisement(most are industry insider and related major students),78.45% people keep an eye on advertisement sometimes,and 5.17% people never care about it.However,to the ad.(以下广告都缩写成ad.) on the bus station,87.93% people said they have paid attention to it.So to speak,ad. is omnipresent in our life,which has more or less influened many customers in their consumption process.Many people say that ad. is an unique charming subject.Where did the charm come form?As a youngster,from my point of view,although it is difficult to answer,but it is undoubted that the successful ad. is planned according to the customers' psychology.


热心网友 时间:2024-04-03 03:38

Today, advertising is an information dissemination activities, its biggest advantage is widely advertised and can at the same time to transmit information within a large number of consumers. Advertising There are many means of communication, the more common are TV commercials, magazine ads, radio advertising. In the survey found: 16.38% of the people often pay attention to ads (most of which are industry or related majors), 78.45% of people sometimes pay attention to ads, 5.17% of the people paid no attention. For ads on bus stops are 87.93 percent said they have had attention. It can be said, advertising in our lives everywhere, so our consumption process,
More or less are subject to a number of advertising effects. People say, advertising is a charming subject, its charm come from? I think that my point of view of young people to answer this question, although this is a difficult question, but one thing is certain, is that successful advertising must be based on the law of the planning out of consumer psychology.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-03 03:31

Currently adv. is an activity to transmit the information,the most significant advantage is advicing abroad,it can transmit the information to many consumer in the same time.There are many ways to advertise,TV adv.,magazine adv.,broadcast adv.generally.It was found out in investigation that ,16.38% of people pay attention to the adv. frequently(most of them is in the industry or the students in relative majors),78.45% advert to the adv sometimes,while 5.17%,they never care about that.But for the adv in bus station,87.93% of people express that they ever advert to it.We can say,adv. in every where in our life,so in the course of our consumption,we while inflenced by adv.more or less.People all say,adv. is a charming study,while where the charm comes from?I think I can answer the question as a younger,though it's very tough to answer,but one point can be confirmed,that is a successful adv. is planned out according to the consumer's psychology rule.

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