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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 13:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 20:50


Wi-Fi online can be simply understood as wireless internet access, intelligent mobile phone, tablet computer almost all notebook computer support Wi-Fi and Internet, is a kind of wireless network transmission technology is the most widely used. Is actually the wired network signals into wireless signals, such as in the beginning for everybody introction, related computer, using a wireless router to support the technology of mobile phone, tablet and receiving. Mobile phone if there is a Wi-Fi function, with Wi-Fi wireless signal can surf the Internet without the Unicom mobile network, saves the traffic charges. But the Wi-Fi signal is made up of wired network to provide, such as home ADSL ah, residential broadband like ah, if connected to a wireless router, you can put the cable signal into Wi-Fi signal. Many foreign developed countries in the city covered in Wi-Fi signal provided by governments or big companies to residents, China also has many local implementation of "wireless city" project to make this technology has been popularized. The pilot city not issued in 4G license, many places to use the 4G WI-FI to let the public trial.追问是您自己写的吗?


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 20:51

Wi-Fi是一种可以将个人电脑、手持设备(如手机)等终端以无线方式互相连接的技术。Wi-Fi是一个无线网路通信技术的品牌,由Wi-Fi联盟所持有。目的是向改善基于IEEE 802.11标准的无线网路产品之间的互通性。现时一般人会把Wi-Fi及IEEE 802.11混为一谈。甚至把Wi-Fi等同于无线网际网路。翻译:Wi-Fi is a personal computer, handheld devices (such as mobile phone) and other terminal connected with each other by the wireless technology.Wi-Fi is a wireless communication technology brand, owned by the Wi-Fi alliance. The purpose is to improve the interoperability between based on IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless networking procts. The average person would take Wi-Fi and IEEE 802.11 be confused. Even the Wi-Fi is equivalent to wireless internet.【希望能帮助你】

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 20:50


Wi-Fi online can be simply understood as wireless internet access, intelligent mobile phone, tablet computer almost all notebook computer support Wi-Fi and Internet, is a kind of wireless network transmission technology is the most widely used. Is actually the wired network signals into wireless signals, such as in the beginning for everybody introction, related computer, using a wireless router to support the technology of mobile phone, tablet and receiving. Mobile phone if there is a Wi-Fi function, with Wi-Fi wireless signal can surf the Internet without the Unicom mobile network, saves the traffic charges. But the Wi-Fi signal is made up of wired network to provide, such as home ADSL ah, residential broadband like ah, if connected to a wireless router, you can put the cable signal into Wi-Fi signal. Many foreign developed countries in the city covered in Wi-Fi signal provided by governments or big companies to residents, China also has many local implementation of "wireless city" project to make this technology has been popularized. The pilot city not issued in 4G license, many places to use the 4G WI-FI to let the public trial.追问是您自己写的吗?


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 20:50


Wi-Fi online can be simply understood as wireless internet access, intelligent mobile phone, tablet computer almost all notebook computer support Wi-Fi and Internet, is a kind of wireless network transmission technology is the most widely used. Is actually the wired network signals into wireless signals, such as in the beginning for everybody introction, related computer, using a wireless router to support the technology of mobile phone, tablet and receiving. Mobile phone if there is a Wi-Fi function, with Wi-Fi wireless signal can surf the Internet without the Unicom mobile network, saves the traffic charges. But the Wi-Fi signal is made up of wired network to provide, such as home ADSL ah, residential broadband like ah, if connected to a wireless router, you can put the cable signal into Wi-Fi signal. Many foreign developed countries in the city covered in Wi-Fi signal provided by governments or big companies to residents, China also has many local implementation of "wireless city" project to make this technology has been popularized. The pilot city not issued in 4G license, many places to use the 4G WI-FI to let the public trial.追问是您自己写的吗?


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 20:51

Wi-Fi是一种可以将个人电脑、手持设备(如手机)等终端以无线方式互相连接的技术。Wi-Fi是一个无线网路通信技术的品牌,由Wi-Fi联盟所持有。目的是向改善基于IEEE 802.11标准的无线网路产品之间的互通性。现时一般人会把Wi-Fi及IEEE 802.11混为一谈。甚至把Wi-Fi等同于无线网际网路。翻译:Wi-Fi is a personal computer, handheld devices (such as mobile phone) and other terminal connected with each other by the wireless technology.Wi-Fi is a wireless communication technology brand, owned by the Wi-Fi alliance. The purpose is to improve the interoperability between based on IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless networking procts. The average person would take Wi-Fi and IEEE 802.11 be confused. Even the Wi-Fi is equivalent to wireless internet.【希望能帮助你】

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 20:51

Wi-Fi是一种可以将个人电脑、手持设备(如手机)等终端以无线方式互相连接的技术。Wi-Fi是一个无线网路通信技术的品牌,由Wi-Fi联盟所持有。目的是向改善基于IEEE 802.11标准的无线网路产品之间的互通性。现时一般人会把Wi-Fi及IEEE 802.11混为一谈。甚至把Wi-Fi等同于无线网际网路。翻译:Wi-Fi is a personal computer, handheld devices (such as mobile phone) and other terminal connected with each other by the wireless technology.Wi-Fi is a wireless communication technology brand, owned by the Wi-Fi alliance. The purpose is to improve the interoperability between based on IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless networking procts. The average person would take Wi-Fi and IEEE 802.11 be confused. Even the Wi-Fi is equivalent to wireless internet.【希望能帮助你】
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