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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 14:06



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 19:41

Musician wanted for school
We need some students for our school.Do you like music?Can you sing or dance? Do you want to learn about music?All yes?Then you can be our musician.It is interesting and fun.You can make many good friends.It is not diffcult.Come and join us.Please taik to Mr.Zhang after class. Or call Jim‘s telephone number 138764543928.

If you are interested, please contact your music teacher as soon as possible.


Musician wanted for school We need some students for our school.Do you like music?Can you sing or dance? Do you want to learn about music?All yes?Then you can be our musician.It is interesting and fun.You can make many good friends.It is not diffcult.Come and join us.Ple...


Our music festival also needs three good students.Can you play the drum? Can you play the trumpet?We will be a painting class for Music Festival Poster. Can you draw? Please call us at 568-9327.Email address: xiaowei@sina.com....


Therecruitmentofstudentsperformingmusicfestival标准翻译望采纳 用英语写一则招聘广告,校音乐节缺少会吹喇叭和敲鼓的同学还需要绘画的同学为音乐节制作海报 Ourmusicfestivalalsoneedsthreegoodyouplaythedrum?Canyouplaythetrumpet?WewillbeapaintingclassforMusicFestivalPoster.Canyoudraw?Pleasecallusataddress:xia...

初一下册英语作文 写则招聘广告 假如你是一位学校校长,现需招聘一位...

Music Teacher Wanted We want a good music teacher. Can you speak English or French? Can you love your students? Can you sing or dance? Can you play three instruments? Do you have free time to do some else work on the weekend?Then come and join us. Please call me....


作文如下:Dear students 亲爱的同学们:The students'Union has decded to organize a music week.It will be held in the second week of May.The activities include singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music.Bring your own musical instruments,please.A music contest will be ...

英语英语英语英语英语作文 学校将举办一个音乐节来迎接20年

您好,以下是本人按题目要求写的英语作文,希望对您有帮助:Musician Wanted Our school is going to organize a music festival for the 20th Anniversary of our school. Anyone who is good at music and knows how to play a music instrument is welcome for the festival.Please contact XXX at...


We need ten boys to be extras. Are you good at English and basketball? If you have enough interests, and meet our requests, please come and take part in our performance on saturday or from 3:00pm to 8:00pm on sunday. we can give each person ten yuan a day. we are ...


P.E.Teacher wanted for the School Sports Club Do you like sports?Are you good with children ?We need help with sports in the sports club in our school.Can you swim?Can you play volleyball or tennis?Can you play basketball or soccer?Then you can a P.E.teacher in our scool...


Unit 1 1. 写作话题:本单元以能力为话题,谈论自己或他人的能力.如会干或不会干…….2.写作题目:假如你们学校幼儿园在暑假期间要招聘临时业余辅导员,请你写一则50词左右的招聘广告.要求:(1)喜欢孩子;(2)会唱,会画,会电脑;(3)工作时间:暑假.参考作文 Help WantedAre you goodwith children? We need help...

学校音乐节英语作文 学校音乐节的活动安排英语作文 学校举办音乐节的英语作文带翻译 学校举办音乐节的邀请英语作文 邀请朋友参加学校音乐节的英语作文 高一介绍音乐节的英语作文 关于学校音乐会的英语作文 学校举办音乐会英语作文 学校音乐节用英语怎么写
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