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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 10:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 06:09

I am so glad to receive your letter and photos. Thank you for your good compliment to me! These photos are significant to me. Thank you for sending them to me. I will keep them well.
It is very happy to work with you these days. You are all kind-hearted. I am looking forward to the next co-operation.
Moreover, it is so nice to talk with you, although we speak different languages, you can make me know by good demonstration.
Wish you happiness!


热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 06:09

I am glad to receive your letter and photos and thank you for your praise to me
Those photos are very significative to me , Thank you for your sending them to me and Iwill keep them well.

I feel so happy to work with you these days , you are all kind-hearted men
期待下次和你们继续合作. 还有,和您聊天真的很愉快,虽然语言不通,但是您很会做演示.
I am looking forward to our next cooperation, mealwhile I do feel happy to communicate with you ,though we speak different languages, your body language is so great.
Wish you a happy life!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 06:10

Hi: Mr./Ms.
I feel very glad to receive your letter and photos, thank you for your good compliment to me. The photos are fairly meaningful for me, I appreciate you sending to me, I will keep them well. It is pleasure to work with you these days, you are all nice people, we are expecting the next cooperation with you. In addition, I am very pleased to chat with you, even though it is not that convenient of the communication, fortunately you are good at demonstrating.
Wish you happy life.
Best regards.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 06:10

I'm so glad to receive your letter and photos.Thank you for your appreciation.These photos mean a lot to me.Thanks again for your kindness to send to me.I'll keep it well.It a pleasure to work with you these days.You're all kind and nice.I hope to have another cooperation with you.I'm happy to talk with you.You can show me what do you mean clearly though we spoke different languages.
Wish you happiness and health!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 06:11

Dear ...
I'm very glad to receive your letter and photos.thank you for your compliment and photos.the photos are significant to me,I will keep it better.It's pleasure to work with your,and I'm expect the cooperation with you.I am so pleased to chat with you,although we have diffcult in language,you are good at demonstrating.
Best wishes for you!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 06:12

Hello; Very pleased to receive your letter and photos, I thank you for the praise, these photographs to me meaningful.Thank you give me, I will carefully preserved. these days, and is happy to work with you.You are very good. look forward to your continued cooperation and the next. there, and you really happy to chat, despite the language barrier.But do you really demonstration. I wish you a happy life.
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