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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 10:36



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:29


1、I wish you and your family good health, happy life, happy family and all the best.(祝您和您的家人,身体健康,生活愉快,家庭幸福,万事如意。)

2、May you and your family good health and happiness,and also wish you all the best!(祝您和您的家人身体健康,家庭美满幸福,并祝您万事如意!)

3、Best wishes to you and your family,  have a good health and happiness,and also wish you all the best!(衷心祝福你和你的家人,身体健康,幸福快乐,也祝你一切顺利!)

4、May you and your family health, happiness and have all other good things.(愿你和你的家人身体健康,生活幸福,拥有一切美好的事物。)

5、Greetings and sincere wishes for a bright !May everything beautiful, happiness,and best be with you and your family!(致以诚挚的问候和祝福!愿一切幸福美好与你及你的家人同在!)




2、身体健康:in good condition

3、生活:life/ live/ livelihood/exist

4、愉快:pleasant/ happy/ joyful/merry/brighten

5、家庭:family/home/household/ fireside/hearthside

6、幸福:happines/well-being/bliss/ felicity

7、万事如意:have all one's wishes/ All things conspire to make (someone) hap

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:29

英文:I wish you and your family :good health, happy life, family happiness, good luck in everything。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:30

I wish you and your family: health, a happy life, family happiness, all the best 请采纳

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:30

Best wishes to you and your family: good health, a happy life, a happy family and all the best

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:31

bless you and your family.healthy and happy everything is ok

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:29


1、I wish you and your family good health, happy life, happy family and all the best.(祝您和您的家人,身体健康,生活愉快,家庭幸福,万事如意。)

2、May you and your family good health and happiness,and also wish you all the best!(祝您和您的家人身体健康,家庭美满幸福,并祝您万事如意!)

3、Best wishes to you and your family,  have a good health and happiness,and also wish you all the best!(衷心祝福你和你的家人,身体健康,幸福快乐,也祝你一切顺利!)

4、May you and your family health, happiness and have all other good things.(愿你和你的家人身体健康,生活幸福,拥有一切美好的事物。)

5、Greetings and sincere wishes for a bright !May everything beautiful, happiness,and best be with you and your family!(致以诚挚的问候和祝福!愿一切幸福美好与你及你的家人同在!)




2、身体健康:in good condition

3、生活:life/ live/ livelihood/exist

4、愉快:pleasant/ happy/ joyful/merry/brighten

5、家庭:family/home/household/ fireside/hearthside

6、幸福:happines/well-being/bliss/ felicity

7、万事如意:have all one's wishes/ All things conspire to make (someone) hap

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:29

英文:I wish you and your family :good health, happy life, family happiness, good luck in everything。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:30

I wish you and your family: health, a happy life, family happiness, all the best 请采纳

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:30

Best wishes to you and your family: good health, a happy life, a happy family and all the best

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:31

bless you and your family.healthy and happy everything is ok

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:29


1、I wish you and your family good health, happy life, happy family and all the best.(祝您和您的家人,身体健康,生活愉快,家庭幸福,万事如意。)

2、May you and your family good health and happiness,and also wish you all the best!(祝您和您的家人身体健康,家庭美满幸福,并祝您万事如意!)

3、Best wishes to you and your family,  have a good health and happiness,and also wish you all the best!(衷心祝福你和你的家人,身体健康,幸福快乐,也祝你一切顺利!)

4、May you and your family health, happiness and have all other good things.(愿你和你的家人身体健康,生活幸福,拥有一切美好的事物。)

5、Greetings and sincere wishes for a bright !May everything beautiful, happiness,and best be with you and your family!(致以诚挚的问候和祝福!愿一切幸福美好与你及你的家人同在!)




2、身体健康:in good condition

3、生活:life/ live/ livelihood/exist

4、愉快:pleasant/ happy/ joyful/merry/brighten

5、家庭:family/home/household/ fireside/hearthside

6、幸福:happines/well-being/bliss/ felicity

7、万事如意:have all one's wishes/ All things conspire to make (someone) hap

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:29

英文:I wish you and your family :good health, happy life, family happiness, good luck in everything。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:30

I wish you and your family: health, a happy life, family happiness, all the best 请采纳

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:30

Best wishes to you and your family: good health, a happy life, a happy family and all the best

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:31

bless you and your family.healthy and happy everything is ok
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