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夸父逐日 (英文版)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 13:29



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 10:27

Kuafu raced with the sun until it set. He was thirsty and wanted to drink water, so he went to the Yellow River and Weihe River to drink water.


There is not enough water in the Yellow River and Weihe River. Kuafu goes to the north to drink the water from the Great Lakes. 


Before he reached the Great Lake, he died of thirst. Kuafu abandoned his cane, which turned into a peach forest.








热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 10:27

The magic history is glorious, as early as in the Neolithic time, had the trail which the magic moves. Humanity's childhood, to natural phenomenon and so on the sun, moon, fire, rain is unable to understand that, only can explain for is the myth non- manpower strength. On the other hand, the humanity also has conquers the natural desire, was hoping can pick to rich food, hoped for the crops abundant harvest, raising livestock is prosperous, thereupon, in the brains fantasized proces naturally. Our country vast your letter myth sea, like "Pan Gu opens the day to divide", "the female snail overcomes nature", "a quart father day after day", and even a kind of melon ties the melon immediately, crawls the tree to be possible to ascend to heaven, after the dismemberment but reactivates and so on, is the proof.
These fantasy scenes, manifest in ancient offer sacrifice to heaven, to pray for a good harvest and so on in the recreational color thick custom activity, the magic young from this proced. Just like "Lushih Chunchiu" carries the antiquity "Ge Tianshi" three manpower hold the oxtail but to dance such, ancient times the play, the dance, the acrobatics, the magic all were at the embryonic stage, obviously divided family property by no means.
The ancient is unable to resist the natural disaster, therefore, they believed the day and the place have the path to be interlinked, believed has "not the week mountain" such brace day pillar. Thereupon, "appeared has been able to communicate between Yu Human and the god messenger □□witch, the wizard and later some times alchemists. These artificial has caused the human to believe they have the extraordinary ability, some confirmations means, this is the primitive magician mostly.
The magic, took the concrete program performs, already appeared at least in more than 2,000 years ago, the Western Han Dynasty Yuan sealed for three years, Martial emperor of Han dynasty holds hundred plays grand meetings, at the grand meeting namely has Chinese the traditional magic "Fish Dragon Spread" and so on the program, also had the magician which Rome came to perform "Has spat Fire", "Swallows Knife", "from Ties up from Solution" and so on the western region magic. When Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, appeared "Phoenix To contain Book", "Pulls out Well" the human to delimit becomes) receives and so on many magic program. When Sui Yangdi appears "Huanglong To change", changes everywhere Shui national minority. When Emperor Xuanzong in Tanh dynasty is popular "Enters Pot Dance", the performer worms one's way into from the left side cylinder crawls from the right side cylinder, all excels by far the for a while magic excellent work.
To Song Dynasty, the magic started to divide into separate fields, the appearance "the technique", "teases" and so on certain specialties, meanwhile appeared the folk mass organization □□cloud machine which the specialized magicians composes society. The Song Dynasty famous 魔术家 Du seven saints, excel to kill people the reactivating acrobatics, is renowned in one's time, is called "seven saints law". Bright, clear time, each kind of magic trick program spreads in the folk streets and lanes, our country is famous "九连环", "Immortal Plants Bean", "Ancient Color Trick" and so on, has had the huge influence in the world evil spirit world.
After Qing Dynasty 中叶, Chinese entertainer part of faded and fallen overseas, European and American and Japan's magic association also unceasingly came China to perform, promotes the Chinese and foreign magic exchange, the Chinese magicians at to maintain oneself magic in the traditional custom foundation, has absorbed the massive foreign magic performance form, the content, the skill, has formed in graally the Chinese magic stage today such all kinds of program.
Partial correction: The Chinese earliest magic is three countries times "Fishes" also has the performance to the present.
The foreign earliest magic is three cups, also calls the three delicacies of the land to turn over to the hole, some people said this is China spreads, also some people said origins in India.
On like the Chinese must understand the Chinese history is same, took a Chinese magic amateur also must want to understand Chinese the magic history!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 10:28

Kuafu raced with the sun until it set. He was thirsty and wanted to drink water, so he went to the Yellow River and Weihe River to drink water.There is not enough water in the Yellow River and Weihe River. Kuafu goes to the north to drink the water from the Great Lakes.Before he reached the Great Lake, he died of thirst. Kuafu abandoned his cane, which turned into a peach forest.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 10:28

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