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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 09:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 12:09


My favorite food is fried chicken. It tastes delicious and its skin is crisp.


It looks crisp, golden yellow and fragrant.


It looks like it makes my mouth water, and the thought of it makes me want to take a bite.


I like to eat fried chicken, but fried chicken is high in calories, and it's fried.


In class, the teacher said that fried chicken is not good for your health if you eat too much.


Therefore, I should be moderate in the future and not eat too much.


I think we should be moderate in eating food. If we eat too much, we should not overeat.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 12:10

My school is very beautiful. I like my school very much.
There is a big playground in my school and we often play sports on it .
My classroom is big and clean.
There are many books in the library.
I often read books here.
There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too.
The teachers in my school are very kind .
The students are very polite and smart.
I am happy in my school.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 12:09


My favorite food is fried chicken. It tastes delicious and its skin is crisp.


It looks crisp, golden yellow and fragrant.


It looks like it makes my mouth water, and the thought of it makes me want to take a bite.


I like to eat fried chicken, but fried chicken is high in calories, and it's fried.


In class, the teacher said that fried chicken is not good for your health if you eat too much.


Therefore, I should be moderate in the future and not eat too much.


I think we should be moderate in eating food. If we eat too much, we should not overeat.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 12:10

My school is very beautiful. I like my school very much.
There is a big playground in my school and we often play sports on it .
My classroom is big and clean.
There are many books in the library.
I often read books here.
There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too.
The teachers in my school are very kind .
The students are very polite and smart.
I am happy in my school.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 12:09


My favorite food is fried chicken. It tastes delicious and its skin is crisp.


It looks crisp, golden yellow and fragrant.


It looks like it makes my mouth water, and the thought of it makes me want to take a bite.


I like to eat fried chicken, but fried chicken is high in calories, and it's fried.


In class, the teacher said that fried chicken is not good for your health if you eat too much.


Therefore, I should be moderate in the future and not eat too much.


I think we should be moderate in eating food. If we eat too much, we should not overeat.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 12:10

My school is very beautiful. I like my school very much.
There is a big playground in my school and we often play sports on it .
My classroom is big and clean.
There are many books in the library.
I often read books here.
There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too.
The teachers in my school are very kind .
The students are very polite and smart.
I am happy in my school.
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