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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 09:54



热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 06:04

A survey about reading the world famous literature books was carried out among the students in the middle school.
As we can see,from the results,70percent of the students rarely read it.The reasona are similar,some of them say they have much pressure on study,thye are too busy to have time to read the books.The rest hold another view,they just think it too boring,they would read popular magazine rather than focus on the literature.
On the other hand,30 oercent of them read it frequently.They believe it help them have a better understanding of the world,open their vision.Except that,it really give them something useful,for example,they taste other's sweet and bitter.Then,they start to build their own personality.
As for me,I like reading very much,especially for the world famous literature.On our jounary of life,it's necessary to set a good example for us .Only by reading it can we gain the knoweledge we what.追问不错……就是错字有点微多……放在word文档里到处都是红线线……

热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 07:22

我知道追问那说啊 我看差不多就给分


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