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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 11:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 04:37

First, in the home "shop ", the order is not limited by time: now the fashion for men and women, ring the day e to busy work, no more time to go shopping, so online shopping has become the preferred. Available online to choose, it is not limited by time.
In second, a lot of goods to obtain more information, you can not buy local goods: in reality, people often said goods than the three, but on the Internet, can slowly pick, also can not buy local goods!
In third, than the traditional cash payment to pay more secure, to avoid lost or was robbed of cash: you can through the Internet banking is convenient and safe, can avoid going shopping with a lot of cash, and is not safe!
Fourth, from the orders, door-to-door without buying the goods in person at the scene, time saving and labor saving: especially in hot weather, you can at home shopping, express also door-to-door more comfortable. In the entity shop will be very tired!
Fifth, as a result of eliminating rent online merchandise store, called employees, storage, a series of cost of custody, on the whole than the average prices of similar goods shopping malls and cheaper. Whether cosmetics, clothing, or alt supplies and other necessities prices than the general market or the entity store sell at much lower!
This can be seen, online shopping has broken through the traditional business pattern of impairment, regardless of the consumer, business or market have tremendous appeal and influence, in the new period of market economy is to achieve " win-win " effect of the ideal model.
First, the physical and photos of the gap is too great. Online shopping can be seen pictures of goods, to really get your hands, you will feel and the real is not the same. This is not in the mall to buy the rest assured.
Second, do not try. Online shopping is just to see pictures and articles on the simple introction, like clothes or shoes and the like, you can directly see the suitable for you, and if in the mall to buy, you can try, his body, immediately buy, not so much to consider, however, online shopping is more trouble.
Third, online payment security. Can be peeping, stolen passwords.
Fourth, good faith question. Is the owner 's credit rating, if had poor quality of service owner, asked a few questions appear impatient. Also in the online shopping appearance deceived happens.
In fifth, the speed of delivery problem. Online purchases, but also after the distribution link, fast for one or two days, wait a week or more, sometimes, distribution process also has some problems, and, if the goods are not satisfied with, and through distribution link, change the goods, such trouble; and in shopping malls, see you want, just get, if not satisfied, instead of directly. 本人原创,请采纳.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 04:37

First, in the home "shop ", the order is not limited by time: now the fashion for men and women, ring the day e to busy work, no more time to go shopping, so online shopping has become the preferred. Available online to choose, it is not limited by time.
In second, a lot of goods to obtain more information, you can not buy local goods: in reality, people often said goods than the three, but on the Internet, can slowly pick, also can not buy local goods!
In third, than the traditional cash payment to pay more secure, to avoid lost or was robbed of cash: you can through the Internet banking is convenient and safe, can avoid going shopping with a lot of cash, and is not safe!
Fourth, from the orders, door-to-door without buying the goods in person at the scene, time saving and labor saving: especially in hot weather, you can at home shopping, express also door-to-door more comfortable. In the entity shop will be very tired!
Fifth, as a result of eliminating rent online merchandise store, called employees, storage, a series of cost of custody, on the whole than the average prices of similar goods shopping malls and cheaper. Whether cosmetics, clothing, or alt supplies and other necessities prices than the general market or the entity store sell at much lower!
This can be seen, online shopping has broken through the traditional business pattern of impairment, regardless of the consumer, business or market have tremendous appeal and influence, in the new period of market economy is to achieve " win-win " effect of the ideal model.
First, the physical and photos of the gap is too great. Online shopping can be seen pictures of goods, to really get your hands, you will feel and the real is not the same. This is not in the mall to buy the rest assured.
Second, do not try. Online shopping is just to see pictures and articles on the simple introction, like clothes or shoes and the like, you can directly see the suitable for you, and if in the mall to buy, you can try, his body, immediately buy, not so much to consider, however, online shopping is more trouble.
Third, online payment security. Can be peeping, stolen passwords.
Fourth, good faith question. Is the owner 's credit rating, if had poor quality of service owner, asked a few questions appear impatient. Also in the online shopping appearance deceived happens.
In fifth, the speed of delivery problem. Online purchases, but also after the distribution link, fast for one or two days, wait a week or more, sometimes, distribution process also has some problems, and, if the goods are not satisfied with, and through distribution link, change the goods, such trouble; and in shopping malls, see you want, just get, if not satisfied, instead of directly. 本人原创,请采纳.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 04:37


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 04:38


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 04:37


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 04:38


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